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More on the Russian tea trade – bear traps and an Iron Lady



(Excerpted from the Merrill, J, Fernando autobiography)

Up to the dissolution of the Soviet Socialist Republic, India had maintained a stranglehold on tea imports into Russia, on account of the existence of a barter agreement between the two nations since 1979. Indian tea imports into the USSR, approximately 10 million kilos per year in 1960, had increased to around 128 million kilos by 1990.

With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the trade agreement was voided and replaced with an annually-renewable purchasing protocol, allowing tea and other Indian products under a ‘Technical Credit’ scheme. The release of the Indian grip on the Russian tea market was our opportunity to step in, as Ceylon Tea, despite being dwarfed in volume by the cheaper and lower quality Indian tea, still enjoyed an excellent reputation for quality amongst the consumers in the CIS bloc.

Liberalization of the Russian trade resulted in an immediate influx of short-term speculators from various countries, exploiting unsuspecting Russian merchants, who were equally ignorant of both tea quality and market prices. Hundreds of intermediaries from Europe and other regions contracted to supply the Russian distributors with tea, at relatively high prices, for average and low quality tea, purchased from the cheapest possible sources.

Many traders in Colombo, too, temporarily cashed in on this situation, going to the extent of getting the Government to relax the minimum quality standard for exports to Russia. Subsequent events proved that this was a serious error.

With our traders packing cheap tea for Russian labels, what followed was tragic in its predictability. As more and more supermarkets came in to existence, they resorted to the Western, multinational type of retailing. Soon the Russian traders set up their own packaging plants in the country, sourcing cheaper tea from other origins, but still retaining the Ceylon origin on the label, despite the diminution of real Ceylon Tea in the pack.

Today, some of those fully Russian-owned brands, developed on the value proposition of Ceylon Tea, with the support of our own exporters, are competing successfully with our exports, not only in Russia but in our traditional markets in other countries as well.

Consumer loyalty is built around brand names and claims of quality. Brand loyalty, the foundation of branding success, is the customer’s creation. Progressive variations in quality, caused by the gradual diminution of quality tea in the pack, are not detected by the average consumer in the everyday cup of tea, if the brand loyalty is strong. This is exactly what has happened in the case of the market in Russia. Our traders’ venality and greed for short-term profits got them entangled in a race to the bottom and lost us a golden opportunity, for the development of genuine Sri Lankan brands.

Ironically, it was a sad replication of this lack of enterprise and foresight that both our trade and the regulatory institutions demonstrated, just a few years previously, in the case of the Middle East market. Our failure to capitalize on that opening then did not serve as a lesson of history to us, just a few years later, in a different market but under very similar circumstances. Those opportunities will never come our way again.

Warning unheeded

In February 1994, at the invitation of Michael de Zoysa, then Chairman of the Ceylon Tea Traders’ Association, I made a presentation on the `Russian Tea Market’ on the occasion of the Centenary Celebrations Congress of the Association, held in Colombo. Within my allotted 20 minutes, I presented to the gathering, the history, background and the prevailing situation of the Russian market, accompanied by a concise Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis, of and for Ceylon Tea, in relation to that market.

In the presentation, I briefly covered all the issues I have described in greater detail in the preceding paragraphs and elsewhere in this writing as well. I was invited to make the presentation, as it was acknowledged that of all our exporters, I had the widest and the longest experience in the tea trade with Russia. In retrospect, I am inclined to believe that many of my listeners would have agreed with me. However, I have not seen much evidence of the practical implementation of any of the suggestions I made then.

In or around 1995, the Russian Government imposed increased tariff rates on value-added tea imports to the country. That was an indication that investment incentives and other concessions aimed at invigorating the local tea packaging industry were in the pipeline. The State-sponsored protection measures compensated the incompetent Russian tea packaging industry against, the general inefficiency of that operation in its totality, whilst attracting the additional investment required to make the industry more viable. Since then, the development of the Russian local tea packaging industry and the parallel decline of our presence in Russia is a matter of history.

Interesting episodes

My trade with Russia was marked by many interesting episodes, some amusing, and a few fraught with danger the latter occurring during the general lawlessness which engulfed Russian society, arising from the loss of the strong central controls following the break-up of the Soviet Union.

Dilmah had become a household word, with singular demand in tea-drinking circles in Russia. One day, in 1993, the representative of one of our customers, Koncom of Nizhni Novgorod, rang me and said that he wanted to fly to Sri Lanka to purchase a plane-load of tea. I tried to talk him out of it as it seemed a preposterous idea, apart from being a very costly proposition as well.

However, he was insistent, and I found out that he could transport 16 MT of tea in the aircraft model he was planning on bringing in. I then proposed to him a date for arrival, giving myself time to purchase the tea. He agreed and requested me to make visa arrangements for nine passengers.

When I was notified of his arrival at Katunayake, I sent a Dilmah staff coach to collect them from the airport. My driver rang from Katunayake and said that the buyer had arrived with 33 passengers and I had to hastily send a staff bus instead.

I was amazed that they had been able, on their own, to obtain visas for the entire contingent, when my arrangement with immigration was for only nine named crew members. I asked my representative why he had brought so many passengers and his answer was simple: “They paid for the fuel”!

It was a Saturday and I was alone in the office. The group wanted to do some shopping and I sent them to the ‘Night Bazaar’ near the Fort Railway Station, where they negotiated with our traders for local goods, with mostly the vast quantities of Russian vodka they had brought with them, launching what was the first informal barter trade between Russia and Sri Lanka. I also hosted them for lunch and they loved the spicy food. Meanwhile, the plane was loaded with Dilmah tea and they left for Russia immediately thereafter. The next morning The Sunday Observer featured a bold headline: ‘Russians Come to Town’!

Earlier on, sometime in 1984, there was another incident which could have had unpleasant consequences for the company MJF Exports which was then regularly servicing very large Russian orders for bulk tea. During that period, before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the tea export volumes were determined on a Government-to-Government purchase agreement, and the buying was distributed between six companies. Mine was one of them. The purchases were almost entirely from the High- and Medium-Grown catalogues and at periods of peak Russian buying, the volumes were such that the buying had a significant impact on the auction in its entirety.

One auction day, when we were scheduled to buy extensively from the High-Grown catalogue against an urgent Russian order, I got a call from the auction floor advising me that there was no buyer for MJF Exports and that, as a result, many of the ex-estate lots normally snapped up by me were unsold or being purchased by other traders, cashing in on an unexpected opportunity. I was astounded as my two junior buyers, David Colin-Thome and Hemantha Fernando, should have been active on the floor the former buying the Off-Grades and Hemantha bidding for the quality High-Growns. With some difficulty I managed to get David to the phone a difficult task in the middle of an auction before the mobile phone era and found that Hemantha had failed to turn up at the auction.

I instructed David to immediately switch to the High-Grown catalogue and start buying, pending my arrival at the auction to take over from him. Due to the early warning I managed to avert what would have been a serious embarrassment, resulting from Hemantha’s unpardonable and unexplained absence from the auction. Justifiably, he later felt the full weight of my wrath.

It was an infraction of trade protocol which affected Hemantha’s relationship not only with me but his standing in the trade as well. Our tea trade is a small, insular world, peopled by individuals with long memories.

In another instance several small traders from Russia had flown in to Colombo and, having secured a taxi, requested the driver to take them to the Dilmah office. The driver brought them up to our main gate and had told the security officer on duty that the Russians had actually wanted to go to another company, but that he had persuaded them to come to Dilmah instead. On the strength of this alleged favour to us, he also sought a commission!

This group walked into my office with a large briefcase stuffed full with US Dollars no longer an uncommon occurrence with Russian buyers and I immediately sent them off with one of my accountants to pay the money into the bank. Having finalised the banking, they returned to the office and asked me for the tea. I had to explain to them, much to their irritation, that the delivery of an order would take three to four weeks.

A significant feature of our business with Russia was the receipt of large sums of money into our bank accounts and our inability to immediately trace the source of funding. We would then get a call from a Russian buyer who would advise us that he had paid money into our account and asking why we had not shipped his tea. Then my office would hurriedly set about regularizing the transaction, for which we had developed a standard procedure.

We also received orders from Germany, France, and Italy for shipments of tea destined for Russia. For these orders, which we would meet at our usual FOB prices, the final Russian buyer would pay an additional 25%-30%. To me, these purchases were an affirmation of the strength of the Dilmah brand and the reliability of the service I had provided to Russian buyers over the years.

Russian bear traps

Zara Tolstenkova, of Dora Ltd., Moscow, was another regular buyer of Dilmah tea. She too once visited me with a bag stuffed full of US Dollars and said that she wanted to buy 25 containers of our specialty ‘Fruit Tea’. This variety, which I introduced as a ‘Fun Tea,’ became enormously popular both in Russia and in Western markets. Subsequently, a major competitor introduced 30 different flavours at prices substantially below those of Dilmah.

Zara incurred a huge loss in her business during a period when I was visiting Moscow. We were at lunch together when her warehouse manager called to tell her that it was a good day for them as they had sold a large volume of tea. When the surprised Zara said that she had not received any new orders, her manager advised her that two men had arrived at the warehouse with an order on a company letterhead, and driven away with the tea. Apparently, these two men, through some ploy, had obtained a company letterhead from her office and defrauded her of the tea. Zara was robbed, but in the context of the times in Moscow, she was unable to take any action to recover her losses.

The popularity of Dilmah in Russia caused me much grief as well. In Moscow and in the Ukraine, the Dilmah pack was replicated by fraudsters. The packaging was perfect, but the contents were terrible. When I approached the local Police and asked them to investigate, I was advised that such a course of action could endanger my life! Basically, what they gently told me was, “You could disappear.” As a counter-strategy, I reluctantly placed the image of my face on the packs. Within two months that too was replicated to perfection.

When I discussed this matter with my agent, he suggested that we change the distributor, he too advising me of the physical danger to myself in pursuing legal action against those responsible. However, we managed to counter the threat to an extent by well-orchestrated PR programmes and radio interviews. That was how my face became the focal point of our advertising, thereafter, even in other markets. Though I did not realize it then, my face on the pack later became one of our strongest marketing tools.

Viktor Mikhailchenko, another buyer who owed us a large sum of money which he delayed to settle, met Dilhan, who had agreed to a meeting in his (Dilhan’s) hotel room at the Moscow International, without understanding the implications. Mikhail had not been friendly. However, at my insistence, the discussion was moved to the hotel reception area and Mikhail agreed to produce the bank manager, who would guarantee payment within two weeks. Since he could have brought any individual and identified him as the bank manager, I suggested a meeting at the bank, which Mikhail did not agree to! We had no option but to agree to his verbal assurances of settlement, but surprisingly, he did pay us the outstanding some weeks later. However, despite his repeated requests, we stopped doing business with him thereafter.

When I first started visiting the USSR, in the early 1960s, it was a quiet, orderly society with a rigidly-controlled economy. There were absolutely no public displays of affluence and the only privileged people were Government officials. In the course of my business dealings with tradespeople in Russia, I used to be frequently invited to parties and other social gatherings. Apart from the wonderful array of traditional Russian food, a feature of these parties was the large consumption of vodka, for which my Russian hosts demonstrated an enormous capacity, as well as an inexplicable resistance to its impact.

My maximum would be about three glasses but that was totally insufficient to meet the demands of the innumerable toasts that would be drunk of an evening. I would, in every possible instance, surreptitiously empty my glass into the nearest flowerpot or some other container a move that would not be lost on my friend Rafiq Nishonov!

On my visits to Rafiq’s home in Moscow, an elegantly-appointed official residence, his wife Rano used to prepare a delicious ‘pilaf’ that we call ‘pilau’ with which our plates would be loaded. Whilst in Sri Lanka he had two fierce Doberman dogs, who used to be locked up when visitors were present. The same pair were guarding his household in Moscow as well. Traveling around in Moscow in Rafiq’s beautiful Mercedes 350 was a pleasure, as his official status enabled quick access to any destination, with highly-deferential treatment from security officers.

On one of my visits, with Dilhan also accompanying me, after finishing our work in Moscow we flew to Belarus, where we had direct importers of Dilmah tea. We stayed a couple of nights in a hotel which also had a casino where, in a rare gambling session, we won enough money to pay for our hotel and also purchase an old, traditional Russian tea samovar for around USD 300. I thought that it would be an attractive addition to the Dilmah Tea Archive in Colombo, but, unfortunately, at the Moscow Airport Customs, it was confiscated on the grounds that the samovar was an antique item and therefore not transferable out of the country.

In 2006 Herman Gref, Minister of Economic Affairs and Trade of Russia from 2000 to 2007, made an official visit to Sri Lanka. He first met the then Minister of Trade and Commerce, the late Jeyaraj Fernandopulle, in the latter’s office, in order to sign the WTO protocol. During the meeting he had told the Minister that he would also like to visit the Dilmah factory as he had grown up drinking Dilmah tea in Russia. When Minister Fernandopulle conveyed the request to me, I said I would be quite happy to come over to the Ministry to meet Gref, but the latter insisted on coming over to my office in Peliyagoda on his way to the airport, on the return journey to Russia.

He congratulated me on my trade with Russia and the quality of my products and offered me unconditional assistance, which included land at no cost, to set up a tea packaging operation anywhere in Russia. I had some difficulty in declining this seemingly-magnanimous offer! Gref was subsequently appointed CEO and Chairman of Sberbank, the largest bank in Russia. He still holds these positions.

Eventually, in view of my considerable losses in the trade with Russia, largely owing to illegal intrusions by the Russian mafia, from 1997 onwards I significantly downsized my presence in that market, despite having been a major player with my Dilmah brand since 1988. The devaluation of the ruble also had its impact on the import-export trade, as Russian traders experienced difficulties in obtaining US Dollars from banks. However, in retrospect, despite the difficulties, I feel that moving out of Russia was an error of judgment as when I returned to it, I was not able to recapture the dominance I had been enjoying earlier. In the relatively short period of my limited involvement, many other brands had moved in.

The iron lady becomes a friend

When marketing Dilmah tea in Russia more than a decade later, it was my intention to link up with one of the country’s largest supermarket chains, the X-5 Retail Group, which operated chains of convenience stores, supermarkets, and hypermarkets under different brands right across Russia. The X-5 Group was also Russia’s largest food retailer. In order to re-develop our business in Russia I had, in the meantime, set up a company in Russia called Dilmah Rus, as an associate company of the MJF Group. Megapolis, Russia, was appointed as the Dilmah distributor in the country.

Despite all our preparations, however, our team was facing problems in obtaining listings with the X-5 Group. Though Dilmah tea had previously been widely available in Russia, since we had changed distributors, as was the practice the retailer had de-listed us. Unquestionably, our success in Russia was contingent upon our linking up with the X-5 Group and that was to be determined solely by Olga Ivanovna, the Chief Commercial Buyer of Beverages for the X-5 Group. She was, reputedly, an uncompromising negotiator. Both Dilhan and Roshan Tissaaratchy, my Director, reported to me that Ms. Olga had laid out very rigorous conditions, which included wide-ranging discounts and a stiff listing fee, before she would consider accepting the Dilmah brand.

In 2010 I travelled to Moscow, accompanied by Roshan, for a meeting with this lady. She arrived alone for the discussion and, firstly, insisted that my Russian distributor, who was also present, be asked to leave the meeting as she dealt only with principals. We tried to convince her, without success, that the distributor’s presence was necessary. Fortunately, our distributor resolved the problem by courteously agreeing to withdraw and we commenced our negotiations with her with only me, Roshan, and our Country Manager present.

Olga was extremely business-like, controlled, and gave no indication of her true feelings, but I did get the impression that, inwardly, she was intrigued at having to deal directly with the owner of a brand. My guess was that it was an unusual situation for her, and for me an advantage that I would go on to use as a lever in the negotiation. We laid out our product range for inspection and I described my background in the tea trade in Russia to her. I also explained my business philosophy. I then told her that years before, I had introduced to the Russian market a large-leaf tea pack called OP-COP, which had sold very well and that it continued to be our best seller, along with our Pure Ceylon Tea bags, as I had provided the same product over the years with no change in quality.

However, whilst she was appreciative of our arguments, she still laid out pre-qualification conditions, which included a 50% discount on our price range and a USD 800,000 listing fee. I was startled at the stiffness of her terms, but told her very courteously that the tea I was proposing to deliver was of the finest quality, direct from the plantations and superior to any product that she already had.

I also made it clear to her that I would not be able to provide that package on the bargain-basement terms she was proposing, as that would compel me to compromise on the Dilmah benchmark of product purity and authenticity. I explained to her that those were was not concessions I was prepared to consider, irrespective of the rewards at stake. Having thus stated my position, I thanked her for her time and prepared to withdraw.

She then spoke to the Country Manager in rapid-fire Russian and, at the end of the that exchange, turned to me and asked how quickly we could deliver one million units of Dilmah tea, at my price, for a special promotion. She also agreed to fund part of the promotional expenses. We came away from that meeting with an order for one million X 100 tea bag units. Eventually, we also became great friends with Olga and subsequently, after she had left the X-5 Group, she visited Sri Lanka with her family for a vacation.

To me, the episode in its entirety was the reinforcement of my long-held personal ethos, that if you have a good product and refuse to compromise on quality, at a commensurate price, the buyer-consumer will eventually accept the proposition as a fair bargain. To both Dilhan and Roshan I think it was part of an interesting learning curve, the kind that is not normally reflected in marketing textbooks. Persistence, reinforced by integrity, rarely fails to produce a decent result.

However, the developments and the progression of events described above, were indisputable proof of a prediction and a statement I had made repeatedly, firstly to the Ceylon Tea Propaganda Board and later to the Sri Lanka Tea Board in any market, one must use the opportune moment to enter and establish the dominance of your product or brand. If you fail to do so, another trader-entrepreneur will step in and occupy that space. In large, lucrative markets, that kind of opportunity may come only once, and a belated re-entry carries a massive cost that only a few can afford.

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US foreign policy-making enters critical phase as fascist threat heightens globally



Greater rapport: President Trump in conversation with President Putin. /The New York Times

It could be quite premature to claim that the US has closed ranks completely with the world’s foremost fascist states: Russia, China and North Korea. But there is no denying that the US is breaking with tradition and perceiving commonality of policy orientation with the mentioned authoritarian states of the East rather than with Europe and its major democracies at present.

Increasingly, it is seemingly becoming evident that the common characterization of the US as the ‘world’s mightiest democracy’, could be a gross misnomer. Moreover, the simple fact that the US is refraining from naming Russia as the aggressor in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its refusal to perceive Ukraine’s sovereignty as having been violated by Russia, proves that US foreign policy is undergoing a substantive overhaul, as it were. In fact, one could not be faulted, given this backdrop, for seeing the US under President Donald Trump as compromising its democratic credentials very substantially.

Yet, it could be far too early to state that in the traditional East-West polarity in world politics, that the US is now squarely and conclusively with the Eastern camp that comprises in the main, China and Russia. At present, the US is adopting an arguably more nuanced approach to foreign policy formulation and the most recent UN Security Council resolution on Ukraine bears this out to a degree. For instance, the UN resolution in question reportedly ‘calls for a rapid end to the war without naming Russia as the aggressor.’

That is, the onus is being placed on only Ukraine to facilitate an end to the war, whereas Russia too has an obligation to do likewise. But it is plain that the US is reflecting an eagerness in such pronouncements to see an end to the Ukraine conflict. It is clearly not for a prolongation of the wasting war. It could be argued that a negotiated settlement is being given a try, despite current international polarizations.

However, the US could act constructively in the crisis by urging Russia as well to ensure an end to the conflict, now that there is some seemingly friendly rapport between Trump and Putin.

However, more fundamentally, if the US does not see Ukraine’s sovereignty as having been violated by Russia as a result of the latter’s invasion, we are having a situation wherein the fundamental tenets of International Law are going unrecognized by the US. That is, international disorder and lawlessness are being winked at by the US.

It follows that, right now, the US is in cahoots with those powers that are acting autocratically and arbitrarily in international politics rather than with the most democratically vibrant states of the West, although a facile lumping together of the US, Russia and China, is yet not possible.

It is primarily up to the US voting public to take clear cognizance of these developments, draw the necessary inferences and to act on them. Right now, nothing substantive could be done by the US voter to put things right, so to speak, since mid-term US elections are due only next year. But there is ample time for the voting public to put the correct perspective on these fast-breaking developments, internationally and domestically, and to put their vote to good use in upcoming polls and such like democratic exercises. They would be acting in the interest of democracy worldwide by doing so.

More specifically it is up to Donald Trump’s Republican voter base to see the damage that is being done by the present administration to the US’ standing as the ‘world’s mightiest democracy’. They need to bring pressure on Trump and his ‘inner cabinet’ to change course and restore the reputation of their country as the foremost democracy. In the absence of such action it is the US citizenry that would face the consequences of Trump’s policy indiscretions.

Meanwhile, the political Opposition in the US too needs to get its act together, so to speak, and pressure the Trump administration into doing what is needed to get the US back to the relevant policy track. Needless to say, the Democratic Party would need to lead from the front in these efforts.

While, in the foreign policy field the US under President Trump could be said to be acting with a degree of ambivalence and ambiguity currently, in the area of domestic policy it is making it all to plain that it intends to traverse a fascistic course. As has been proved over the past two months, white supremacy is being made the cardinal principle of domestic governance.

Trump has made it clear, for example, that his administration would be close to ethnic chauvinists, such as the controversial Ku Klux Klan, and religious extremists. By unceremoniously rolling back the ‘diversity programs’ that have hitherto helped define the political culture of the US, the Trump administration is making no bones of the fact that ethnic reconciliation would not be among the government’s priorities. The steady undermining of USAID and its main programs worldwide is sufficient proof of this. Thus the basis has been adequately established for the flourishing of fascism and authoritarianism.

Yet, the US currently reflects a complex awareness of foreign policy questions despite having the international community wondering whether it is sealing a permanent alliance with the main powers of the East. For instance, President Trump is currently in conversation on matters in the external relations sphere that are proving vital with the West’s principal leaders. For example, he has spoken to President Emmanuel Macron of France and is due to meet Prime Minister Keir Starmer of the UK.

Obviously, the US is aware that it cannot ‘go it alone’ in resolving currently outstanding issues in external relations, such as the Ukraine question. There is a clear recognition that the latter and many more issues require a collaborative approach.

Besides, the Trump administration realizes that it cannot pose as a ‘first among equals’, given the complexities at ground level. It sees that given the collective strength of the rest of the West that a joint approach to problem solving cannot be avoided. This is particularly so in the case of Ukraine.

The most major powers of the West are no ‘pushovers’ and Germany, under a possibly Christian Democratic Union-led alliance in the future, has indicated as much. It has already implied that it would not be playing second fiddle to the US. Accordingly, the US is likely to steer clear of simplistic thinking in the formulation of foreign policy, going forward.

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Clean Sri Lanka – hiccups and remedies



President AKD launching Clean Sri Lanka programme

by Upali Gamakumara,

The Clean Sri Lanka (CSL) is a project for the true renaissance the NPP government launched, the success of which would gain world recognition. It is about more than just cleaning up places. Its broader objectives are to make places attractive and happy for people who visit or use services in the country, focusing more on the services in public institutions and organisations like the SLTB. Unfortunately, these broader objectives are not apparent in its theme, “Clean Sri Lanka,” and therefore there is a misconception that keeping the environment clean is the main focus.

People who realise the said broader objectives are excited about a cleaner Sri Lanka, hoping the President and the government will tackle this, the way they are planning to solve other big problems like the economy and poverty. However, they do not see themselves as part of the solution.

From the management perspective, the CSL has a strategic plan that is not declared in that manner. When looking at the government policies, one can perceive its presence, the vision being “A Prosperous Nation and a Beautiful Life,” the mission “Clean Sri Lanka” and the broader objectives “a disciplined society, effective services, and a cleaner environment.” If the government published these as the strategy, there would have been a better understanding.

Retaining the spirit and expectations and continuing the ‘Clean Sri Lanka’ project is equally important as much as understanding its deep idea. For this, it needs to motivate people, which differs from those motivators that people push to achieve selfish targets. The motivation we need here is to evolve something involuntarily, known as Drivers. Drivers push for the survival of the evolution or development of any entity. We see the absence of apparent Drivers in the CSL project as a weakness that leads to sporadic hiccups and free flow.

Drivers of Evolution

Drivers vary according to the nature of envisaged evolution for progress. However, we suggest that ‘the force that pushes anything to evolve’ would fit all evolutions. Some examples are: ‘Fitting to survival’ was the driver of the evolution of life. Magnetism is a driver for the unprecedented development of physics – young Einstein was driven to enquire about the ‘attraction’ of magnets, eventually making him the greatest scientist of the 20th century.

Leadership is a Driver. It is essential but do not push an evolution continually as they are not sprung within a system involuntarily. This is one of the reasons why CSL has lost the vigour it had at its inception.

CSL is a teamwork. It needs ‘Drives’ for cohesion and to push forward continually, like the Quality Improvement Project of the National Health Service (NHS) in England. Their drivers are outlined differently keeping Aims as their top driver and saying: Aims should be specific and measurable, not merely to “improve” or “reduce,” engage stakeholders to define the aim of the improvement project and a clear aim to identify outcome measures.

So, we think that CSL needs Aims as defined by NHS, built by stakeholder participation to help refine the project for continuous evolution. This approach is similar to Deming’s Cycle for continual improvement. Further, two more important drivers are needed for the CSL project. That is Attitudinal Change and Punishment. We shall discuss these in detail under Psychoactive Environment (pSE) below.

Aside from the above, Competition is another driver in the business world. This helps achieve CSL objectives in the private sector. We can see how this Driver pushes, with the spread of the Supermarket chains, the evolution of small and medium retail shops to supermarket level, and in the private banks and hospitals, achieving broader objectives of CSL; a cleaner environment, disciplined behaviuor, efficient service, and the instillation of ethics.

The readers can now understand the importance of Drivers pushing any project.

Three Types of Entities and Their Drives

We understand, that to do the transformation that CSL expects, we need to identify or adopt the drivers separately to suit the three types of entities we have in the country.

Type I entities are the independent entities that struggle for their existence and force them to adopt drivers involuntarily. They are private sector entities, and their drivers are the commitment of leadership and competition. These drivers spring up involuntarily within the entity.

Type II are the dependent entities. To spring up drivers of these entities commitment of an appointed trustee is a must. Mostly in state-owned entities, categorized as Boards, Authorities, Cooperations, and the like. Their drivers do not spring up within or involuntarily unless the leader initiates. The Government of a country also falls into this type and the emergence of drivers depends on the leader.

Type III entities have neither independent nor dependent immediate leader or trustee. They are mostly the so-called ‘Public’ places like public-toilets, public-playgrounds, and public-beaches. No team can be formed as these places are open to any, like no-man-land. Achieving CSL objectives at these entities depends on the discipline of the public or the users.

Clean Sri Lanka suffers the absence of drivers in the second and third types of entities, as the appointed persons are not trustees but temporary custodians.

The writer proposes a remedy to the last two types of entities based on the theory of pSE explained below.

Psychoactive Environment (pSE) –
The Power of Customer Attraction

Research by the writer introduced the Psychoactive Environment (pSE) concept to explain why some businesses attract more customers than others who provide the same service. Presented at the 5th Global Conference on Business and Economics at Cambridge University in 2006, the study revealed that a “vibe” influences customer attraction. This vibe, termed pSE, depends on Three Distinct Elements, which can either attract or repel customers. A positive pSE makes a business more attractive and welcoming. This concept can help develop Drivers for Type II and III entities.

pSE is not an all-inclusive solution for CSL, but it lays the foundation for building Drivers and motivating entities to keep entrants attractive and contented.

The structure of the pSE

The three distinct Elements are the Occupants, Systems, and Environment responsible for making a pSE attractive to any entity, be it a person, institution, organization, or county. Each of these elements bears three qualities named Captivators. These captivators are, in simple terms, Intelligent, Nice, and Active in their adjective forms.

pSE theorizes that if any element fails to captivate the entrant’s mood by not being Intelligent, Nice, or Active, the pSE becomes negative, repelling the entrant (customer). Conversely, the positive pSE attracts the entrants if the elements are Intelligent, Nice, and Active.

For example, think person who comes to a Government Office for some service. He sees that the employees, service, and environment are intelligent, nice, and active, and he will be delighted and contented. He will not get frustrated or have any deterioration in national productivity.

The Significance of pSE in CSL

The Elements and the Captivators are universal for any entity. Any entity can easily find its path to Evolution or Progress determined by these elements and captivators. The intangible broader objectives can be downsised to manageable targets by pSE. Achievements of these targets make the entrants happy and enhance productivity – the expectation of Clean Sri Lanka (CSL).

From the perspective of pSE, now we can redefine the Clean Sri Lanka project thus:

To make the Elements of every entity in Sri Lanka: intelligent, Nice, and Active.

How Would the pSE be A Remedy for The Sporadic Hiccups?

We have seen two possible reasons for sporadic setbacks and the discontinuity of some projects launched by the CSL. They are:

The absence of involuntary Drivers for evolvement or progress

Poor attitudes and behaviors of people and leaders

Remedy for the Absence of Drivers

Setting up a system to measure customer or beneficiary satisfaction, and setting aims can build Drivers. The East London NHS principles help build the Aims that drive type II & II entities. The system must be designed to ensure continual improvement following the Deming Cycle. This strategy will create Drivers for Type I & II entities.

This process is too long to explain here therefore we refrain from detailing.

Attitudinal Change

The most difficult task is the attitudinal and behavioural change. Yet it cannot be postponed.

Punishment as a strategy

In developed countries, we see that people are much more disciplined than in the developing countries. We in developing countries, give credit to their superior culture, mitigating ours as rudimental. The long experience and looking at this affair from a vantage point, one will understand it is not the absolute truth. Their ruthless wars in the past, rules, and severe punishment are the reasons behind this discipline. For example, anyone who fails to wear a car seatbelt properly will be fined 400 AUD, nearly 80,000 LKR!

The lesson we can learn is, that in Sri Lanka, we need strong laws and strict punishment together with a type of strategic education as follows.

Psychological Approach as a Strategy

The psychological theory of attitude formation can be used successfully if some good programmes can be designed.

All attitude formations start with life experience. Formed wrong or negative attitudes can be reversed or instilled with correct attitudes by exposure to designed life experiences. The programmes have been developed using the concepts of Hoshin Kanri, Brainstorming, Cause-and-Effect analysis, and Teamwork, in addition to London NTS Quality Improvement strategies.

The experience and good responses we received for our pSE programs conducted at several institutions prove and have built confidence in our approach. However, it was a time, when governments or organisations did not pay much attention to cultural change as CSL expects in the country.

Therefore, we believe this is a golden opportunity to take the CSL supported by the pSE concept.

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Visually impaired but ready to do it their way



The visually impaired artistes. From Left: Theekshana (rhythm guitar and vocals), Sadun (vocals and keyboards) Akila, (keyboards and vocals), Navoda (drums), Samudra (compere and vocals), Randi (violin and vocals), Sethini (keyboards and vocals), Rashini (keyboards and vocals), Dinesh (percussion and vocals), Tharidu (lead guitar and vocals) and Jonathan (bass guitar and vocals), with Melantha Perera (behind – centre)

Although they are visually impaired youngsters, under the guidance of renowned musician Melantha Perera, these talented individuals do shine bright … hence the name Bright Light.

Says Melantha: “My primary mission is to nurture their talent and ensure their sustainable growth in music, and I’m thrilled to announce that Bright Light’s first public performance is scheduled for 7th June, 2025. The venue will be the MJF Centre Auditorium in Katubadda, Moratuwa.”

Melantha went on to say that two years of teaching, online, visually impaired youngsters, from various parts of the island, wasn’t an easy ride.

There were many ups and downs but Melantha’s determination has paid off with the forming of Bright Light, and now they are gearing up to go on stage.

According to Melantha, they have come a long way in music.

“For the past few months, we have been meeting, physically, where I guide them to play as a band and now they show a very keen interest as they are getting to the depth of it. They were not exposed to English songs, but I’ve added a few English songs to widen their repertoire.

Melantha Perera: Invented a notation
system for the guitar

“On 7th June, we are opening up for the public to come and witness their talents, and I want to take this product island-wide, giving the message that we can do it, and I’m hoping to create a database so there will be a following. Initially, we would like your support by attending the show.”

Melantha says he didn’t know what he was getting into but he had confidence teaching anyone music since he has been in the scene for the past 45 years. He began teaching in 2015,

“When I opened my music school, Riversheen School of Music, the most challenging part of teaching was correcting tone deaf which is the theoretical term for those who can’t pitch a note, and also teaching students to keep timing while they sang and played.”

Melantha has even invented a notation system for the guitar which he has named ‘MelaNota’. He has received copyrights from the USA and ISO from Australia, but is yet to be recognised in Sri Lanka.

During Covid-19, Melantha showcased MelaNota online and then it was officially launched with the late Desmond De Silva playing one of his tunes, using MelaNota.

Melantha says that anyone, including the visually impaired, can play a simple melody on a guitar, within five minutes, using his notation system.

“I’ve completed the system and I’m now finalising the syllabus for the notation system.”

Melantha has written not only for the guitar, but also for drums, keyboards, and wind instruments.

For any queries, or additional information, you could contact Melantha at 071 454 4092 or via email at

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