The eternal liberation taught in Buddhism is gained while one is alive
December 29 is Unduvap Full Moon Poya Day
It is common to see ‘May you attain Nibbana’ notices at funeral houses. But, it does not happen that way. All these are illusions. The eternal liberation taught in Buddhism is gained while one is alive. I will not believe if someone says that I will get something after my death as I will not be able to hear or see what I will get. I will only accept what I receive while I am alive. That is why Buddha talked only about an enlightenment before death.
Which would you prefer – something given after your death or before? We can only give credence to something given before our death. But, unfortunately, some people wish to have ‘liberation’ after their death. It is the misfortune of not realizing the truth. It’s clear how a wise person could be confused being caught in the false notions that exist. Where have the thousands of people ‘eligible’ to attain Nibbana gone? They have gone to hell.
As long as the path is ‘closed’, most people would end up in hell and only a few will go to heaven. But, none can attain Nirvana until the path remains closed. So, what needs to be done? The path has to be opened. We have to show the Nirvana by opening the path. It is something that happens while being alive and can never be attained after death. We cannot accept ‘offers’ that could be had after death.
The liberation preached by all Buddhas is gained before death. Now, the problem is how to attain it? What steps to follow? What is the correct path? Now, would you like to attain Nibbana by following the path or not following the path? Both can exist within you. Can anyone realize the truth by not following the path and not practicing the mind? How can it be done?
So, why haven’t you attained Nibbana until now? That’s because you have listened without preparing yourself. Only listening will not work unless you prepare. You have seen how children play. If a ball comes your way and you want to catch it, but will not be able to do so by having your hands behind you. The reason is you were not prepared to catch it.
Therefore, be prepared to listen. Maybe, you need only one specific word in your lifetime. How long have you been searching for that word? Hundreds of lives….thousands…. millions….? Before you start following the path, your heart should say this is the correct path. Then you listen.
When a person let go everything by mind, he becomes nissarana. Then, why do people enjoy pleasure out of senses? Because they are uneducated. They do not know about the path to Nirvana. Why do people hate each other? Because they do not know about the path to Nirvana.
People have arrogance, overriding others, showing qualities that they do not possess, gaining fame through lying, trying to be popular, chasing what they do not deserve, trying to acquire things they cannot, not willing to accept suffering, fear and sickness, what are all these about? It is about how uneducated and stupid they are. If people are wise, they accept all these. Accept and be prepared.
– Sri Samanthabadhra Thera