
Parents urged not to have healthy children over 12 yrs vaccinated



By Rathindra Kuruwita

Deputy Director General of Health Services Dr. Hemantha Herath yesterday urged parents not to have healthy children over 12 vaccinated by misleaing health personnel.

Dr. Hearth said that they had started vaccinating children with comorbidities because they were in the high-risk group.

Dr. Herath said that children with comorbidities were now being vaccinated in the Western Province and Kurunegala and Anuradhapura Districts.

Meanwhile, Dr. Surantha Perera, Consultant Paediatrician and member of the Sri Lanka College of Pediatricians (SLCP) said that vaccination of children with comorbidities in all districts would start from 01 October – World Children’s Day.

“In the last three days we have vaccinated over 500 children with comorbidities and so far no side effects have been reported. This is very good news,” he said.

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