DDGHS tells MoE to put system in place to ensure safety of schools
By Rathindra Kuruwita
The prevailing situation was not conducive to reopening schools, Deputy Director General of Health Services Dr. Hemantha Herath told the media yesterday.
He however said that the Health Ministry was ready to give the green light as soon as the Education Ministry officials put the right systems and protocols in place.
“It’s obvious that the time is not right. The Education Ministry is responsible for putting systems in place to make sure the virus can’t spread among school kids and to stop
from transmitting the disease to their elders at home,” he said.
Dr. Herath said that identifying protocols that could achieve the above-mentioned objectives was beyond the Health Ministry.
“We are doing what we can to reduce the spread of the virus. Reopening schools will add a new dimension to COVID control. When the education officials do what is needed, we will green light the opening of schools when the time is opportune,” he said.