JR’s despotism, Chandrika’s kleptomania; What’s the next variant? by Kumar David If you have not read or reread Victor Ivan’s Queen of Deceit recently it might...
A referendum is becoming the catchword of politics and calls before the Supreme Court on the 20A. With the new Rajapaksa and Pohottuva craving a return...
*EU has been a steady supporter of Sri Lanka since the opening of the EU Delegation in the country in 1995 *Through the GSP+, the EU...
I read the other day that a well experienced, articulate, experienced, well-travelled man had ended his life because he had basically done it all. He had...
‘Don’t kill the messenger.’ So said Sophocles (496-406 BC) and the advice is thus doubly weighted. The message itself is weighty and it was pronounced by...
By Dr. Jayampathy Wickramaratne, President’s Counsel Ask Indian lawyers what the worst judgment of the Indian Supreme Court has been and a large majority would surely...
Extracts from the book “Read Between the Lines” By Admiral Ravindra C Wijegunaratne (Retired from Sri Lanka Navy) Former Chief of Defence Staff (The first part...
by Venerable Narada Maha Thera Kamma is the law of moral causation. The theory of kamma is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism. This belief was prevalent...
LOOK GOOD – with Disna * Egg and Orange Juice Pack: Separate the egg white and add one teaspoon orange juice, and mix well. Then add...
Seventy five years on, effective conflict resolution remains a prime challenge for the UN. Even a summary survey of the UN’s conflict resolution history would reveal...