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‘Diplomacy is all about human connections we make’



By Zanita Careem

The Ambassador of the United States of America in Sri Lanka is extremely popular and her extraordinary ability to guide Sri Lanka through economic challenging times, have left an indelible mark on minds of the people here.

Throughout her term of office in Sri Lanka, she has not only represented the U.S.A, but also has demonstrated her affinity, empathy and enormous support for Sri Lanka to achieve prosperity and claim its due place in the world

In-spite of a section of the media declaring that American Ambassador Julie Chung is about to leave Sri Lanka, we understand that she will continue as ambassador til the early part of next year.

Q: Your Excellency, could you share with us your journey in diplomacy?

How did it all begin, and what led you to Sri Lanka?

Ambassador Julie Chung: It’s an interesting journey. Initially, I aspired to be a journalist. I was involved in my high school and college newspapers and had a strong passion for journalism. However, during my university years, I came across an advertisement for a fellowship program with the State Department. The opportunity to travel internationally, serve my country, and connect with different cultures intrigued me, so I applied and was accepted. This led me to the Foreign Service, where I’ve had the privilege of representing the U.S. in various capacities.

Although I didn’t become a journalist, my work as a diplomat often mirrors that role. I engage with people, observe and report on the situations in the countries where I serve, and relay that information back to Washington. Asia has been a significant part of my career, and although Sri Lanka is my first post in South Asia, it’s a vital country in the broader Indo-Pacific region. I’m genuinely delighted to be here.

Q: What were your initial impressions of Sri Lanka? Did you feel an immediate connection?

Ambassador Julie Chung: Absolutely. From the moment I arrived, I was captivated by the beauty of the country. I recall walking through my garden, surrounded by vibrant birds and tropical plants, which left a lasting impression on me. I’m wearing a scarf today designed by a local artist, Darshana Wijesinghe, which symbolizes the brightness and beauty of Sri Lanka. However, shortly after my arrival, Sri Lanka faced significant economic challenges and protests. Despite these hardships, the resilience of the Sri Lankan people has been inspiring, and it gives me hope for the country’s future.

Q: What challenges and opportunities have you faced as a woman in the diplomatic field?

Ambassador Julie Chung: When I joined the State Department, there were few women in senior roles, which made finding mentors challenging.

Even today, only about 20% of U.S. ambassadorships are held by women, despite an equal gender split in the diplomatic corps. This disparity highlights the challenges women face in advancing their careers, and it’s something I’m deeply committed to addressing through mentorship and support.

In Sri Lanka, it’s encouraging to see a strong female presence in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I particularly admire Foreign Secretary Aruni Wijewardane, whose poise, strength, and leadership are truly commendable.

However, globally, women leaders still face double standards. They are often judged more harshly than their male counterparts, whether it’s for being too tough or too weak, and are scrutinized for their appearance in ways men are not.

Q: Do you believe these challenges are global?

Ambassador Julie Chung: Yes, they are. Women leaders worldwide face similar double standards. For example, in New Zealand, the former prime minister was questioned about how she managed her role alongside her family responsibilities—a question rarely, if ever, posed to men.

This issue is not unique to any one region; it’s a global challenge that requires ongoing effort to overcome.

Q: Could you share some of your most significant achievements?

Ambassador Julie Chung: Reflecting on my career, a few moments stand out. One was in Vietnam, where I helped establish an American Corner in Haiphong, a city heavily bombed during the war. Transforming a place of conflict into one of learning and friendship was profoundly rewarding. Another notable experience was in Colombia, where I supported a woman who had been rescued from a terrorist group.

Providing her with comfort and helping her process her trauma was a deeply meaningful experience.

In Sri Lanka, during the peak of the economic crisis, our team at the U.S. Embassy worked tirelessly to support the country, from providing USAID fertilizer to helping small businesses secure financing.Ultimately, diplomacy is about the human connections we make, and those are the achievements I value most.

Q: How have you navigated the challenges and obstacles in your career?

Ambassador Julie Chung: Being the only woman or minority in a room can be daunting, and I’ve often struggled with confidence, facing what is commonly referred to as “imposter syndrome.” There were moments when people assumed I was there to assist rather than lead, which was disheartening. However, I’ve learned to build my confidence over time and to assert myself with knowledge and composure. Misinformation and personal attacks, including racist or sexist comments, have also been obstacles. Yet, I focus on maintaining my integrity and remaining proud of the work we do.

Admiring Jezima Mohamed batiks in Matara

Q: You’re often regarded as a fashion icon. How do you feel about that?

Ambassador Julie Chung: I wouldn’t consider myself a fashion icon, but I do enjoy promoting local designers and showcasing Sri Lankan talent.

I’ve acquired pieces from artisans like Sonali Dharmawardena, Darshi Keerthisena from Buddhi Batiks and Jezima Mohamed, of Jez Looks Batik in Matara, and I love supporting emerging designers like Hirushi Jayatilake. Wearing their creations is my way of highlighting the incredible talent here in Sri Lanka. I also enjoy wearing sarees, although I still need help putting them on! Yes like all women i like fashion

Q: Who has been the most inspirational woman in your life, and why?

Ambassador Julie Chung: My mother has always been my greatest inspiration. She was a journalist in Korea, but after we immigrated to the U.S., she had to start over, working initially as a dishwasher.

Despite the challenges, she learned English, pursued further education, and became a librarian, where she dedicated herself to helping others. Her resilience, dedication to her family, and commitment to serving the community are qualities I deeply admire.

Loves diving

Q: When you’re not working, how do you unwind?

Ambassador Julie Chung: I recently visited an Ayurvedic wellness centre, which was incredibly rejuvenating. I enjoy meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature, which helps me maintain a balance between physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Exercise is also important to me, whether it’s walking or jogging in one of Colombo’s parks.

Reading is another passion of mine, a love instilled in me by my mother, who was a librarian.

Q: Are you a music lover as well?

Ambassador Julie Chung: Yes, I have a diverse taste in music. I enjoy classical music, as I played the piano growing up, but I also appreciate jazz, hip-hop, and rap. My time in New York City introduced me to many small jazz clubs, which I still fondly remember.

Q: How do you manage to balance all these activities with your demanding career?

Ambassador Julie Chung: It’s challenging, especially with the many evening events that come with being a diplomat. There’s no perfect balance, but I do my best to prioritize different aspects of my life as needed. While I don’t have a strict timetable, I try to maintain a mental balance.

Q: What are your favourite and least favourite Sri Lankan foods?

Ambassador Julie Chung: I love Sri Lankan food, especially “lunu miris,” which I put on everything. I enjoy all types of Sri Lankan cuisine, from egg hoppers to coconut roti. Watalappam is one of my favourite desserts, and I’ve been fortunate to try homemade versions from my Muslim friends. There’s still so much more to explore, and I’m always excited to discover new dishes.

Q: What are some of impressions of Sri Lanka ?

Ambassador Julie Chung:From hiking up Adam’s Peak and Horton Plains to diving into the depths of Hambantota to explore Asia’s oldest shipwreck which is over 3000 years old , I’ve been able to experience the rich cultural and natural beauty of this country. I’m optimistic about Sri Lanka’s future, and I’ve been deeply moved by the resilience, pride, and sense of humor of its people. As my time here continues, I look forward to immersing myself further in the unique aspects of Sri Lankan culture.

My Christian faith is a fundamental part of who I am, providing me with strength and resilience in the face of challenges. I start each day in prayer, asking for blessings and guidance for Sri Lanka, its future, and its people. This daily practice reinforces my core values and keeps me grounded.

While my faith is deeply important to me, I have a profound respect for the religious diversity that exists in Sri Lanka. I’ve had the privilege of visiting mosques, cathedrals, Buddhist temples, and Hindu temples, which has broadened my understanding and appreciation of different beliefs. The ability to openly and freely celebrate one’s faith in this country is truly wonderful.

Being able to celebrate my faith not only reconnects me to my identity but also enhances my recognition of the beautiful diversity that exists in Sri Lanka. It’s this diversity, coupled with my own spiritual practice, that enriches my life and deepens my connection to the community around me.

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An evening with enchanting Jazz music coupled with business



Pritiva with guests

Expatkey (EK) Properties hosted Sri Lanka’s first exclusive open house event for potential buyers, unveiling the luxurious presidential suite at The Residences by One Galle Face (OGF) with an evening filled with live jazz and stunning views of Colombo’s skyline and Indian ocean.

It was a beautiful evening in the presidential suite hosted by Expatkey, featuring live saxophone performance, and an array of delicious food and drinks which created a fantastic atmosphere. The stunning four-bedroom penthouse with four bathrooms a private swimming pool and a rooftop terrace is now exclusively available for sale through Expatkey Properties. Invitees were given a tour and got to have a glimpse of the stunning properties while overlooking the stunning sunset and city view.

Expatkey Properties started in a modest office and has now blossomed into a renowned name in the Colombo real estate market. Over the years, EK Properties has expanded its services and broadened its reach. Adapting to the changing market demands, integrating new technologies, and always staying true to their mission of delivering exceptional value to clients.

With a mission to revolutionise the real estate experience through innovative technology, personalised service, and deep market insights. they aim to empower clients, making property transactions not only seamless but also a truly rewarding journey.

Their exclusive preview event of a breathtaking Presidential Suite was a massive success, demonstrating their commitment and dedication to their lead and passion for offering luxury real estate. (Pics by Dharmasena Welipitiya)

Beautiful sitting room

Yamuna and Singh



Leena explaining a point


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Sing-along with Heart to Heart Trust Fund



Vidya, Parliament Secretary, Kushani former Naval Commander Admiral Piyal de Silva Dr. Rajitha and guest

By Zanita Careem

In an awe inspiring soiree of music and songs, Sohan and the X’periments made it a happening scene at the Sing-a-Long held at Raffles Hotel Kotte. Organised by the Heart to Heart Trust Fund, the Sing-a-long started with an atmosphere of anticipation, and the crowd was swept away by the melodious voice of Sohan backed by his musical group the X-periments

Watching the audience responding, it was clear the volunteers of the Heart to Heart Trust Fund had done a great job. The robust tones and vibrant rhythms put the crowd in a musical world and their excitement intensified as the evening gathered dusk.

There was a medley of rich repertoire consisting both English and Sinhala songs amply highlighting the bands versatality and talent. The musical phenomenon catered to all ages captivating everyone who were present for a worthy cause.

This event Sing-a-Long is a fund raising event said Shanti Fernando, Executive Co-ordinator, Heart to Heart Trust Fund.

Our mission is to offer a lifeline to cardiac patients staggering between life and death. Without timely surgery, their lives hang in the balance. The financial assistance for heart surgeries is not just a donation; it’s a life-saving intervention that brings deep spiritual fulfillment to the donor. We prioritize supporting breadwinners, whose recovery, allows them to continue caring for their families and contributing to the national workforce, said Shanti.

“We have seen able to help save over may lives who have undergone various procedures saving the lives of a cardiac ‘ patient”

The Master of Ceremonies Hussain Jayah, known for his flair for singing and entertaining people, kept the audience on their toes.

The perfectly curated music was complemented by an equally well curated dinner by the Raffles Hotel. Special mention to thier warm hospitality and impeccable service.

The lyrics and the songs filled the hotel ballroom delighting the sophisticated gathering. The dulcet tones of Sohan and the X-periments washed over the crowd, singing many wonderful timeless songs accompanied by the band.

As a final treat for the audience, the volunteer group had arranged many prizes for winners of many competitions. What a perfect ending to a perfect night!

The Heart to Heart Trust Fund is charitable organisation, This fund was founded by Dr Ruwan Ekanayake and Sr Rajitha de Silva The fund also has a group of individuals who voluntary supports the worthy cause.

A big thank you for all the sponsors Hilton, Mariott Courtyard, Mount Lavinia Hotel, Cinnamon Grand, ITC Ratnadeepa, the Grand Kandyan, Queen’s Hotel (Kandy), Ceylon Chocolates, Abdeen Jewellers, Maliban Group, Ramzi Rahaman and Ramani Fernando Salons. Buddhi Batiks and all others who helped in many ways to make this event a success.


(Pix by Tushara Attapathu)

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Clothes are a form of self-expression



Panchali wearing an outfit from her clothing store

Dara – a wearable fashion brand

    by Zanita Careem

To me, fashion is more about adorning the body rather than following ‘the new’, as the word fashion means in a literal sense. Panchali with her brand name Dara creates fashion that makes women feel confident, positive, inspired, feminine, and beautiful. We not only want to make women feel beautiful today but also confident about the fact that her clothing shop Dara is creating a better tomorrow. We call that connection “Beautiful Today… Beautiful Tomorrow”.

An old girl of Musaeus College , she had an exciting journey so far. As an entrepreneur, she had many bumps but soon overcame all of them with confidence. She says it was a long learning process but loved every step of it. She has a inspiring story and a strong personalityable to inspire women to chase thier dreams

Give a brief background of what you do?

I am the founding director of DARA clothing brand My store is nestled in Thimbirigasyaya, Colombo 05. Dara Wear offers high-quality imported and locally sourced clothing for women and young girls. The collection ranges from work wear, party wear, casual wear, and a variety of sarees for special occasions. We also offer accessories that perfectly complement our clothing, adding the finishing touch to any outfit. We update our collection frequently to keep up with the new trends and styles.

My journey in the industry began about 20 years ago in the most humble of setting – a small garage in my home which I turned into a boutique clothing store as I was so passionate about owing my clothing store. Today DARA Wear stands as a well-established store loved by many.

Fun fact: The name DARA is actually an acronym made up of my daughters’ names—Daniella, Andriyana, Rebecca, and Awraliya!

What are they key factors that got you to where you are today?

Key factors that have brought me to where I am today include unwavering determination, resilience, a deep passion for fashion, and a commitment to continuous learning. Creativity and fashion have always been a part of my life from an early age. My unique sense of style, often praised by others, fuelled my lifelong dream of owning a clothing brand. However, building DARA Wear from scratch was far from easy. I had no prior knowledge of running a business, so I had to teach myself every aspect—from sourcing and managing finances to marketing and customer service. And to this day I’m still learning and looking for ways to progress.

This journey demanded relentless hard work, facing numerous challenges, and making countless sacrifices. There were moments of doubt and setbacks along the way, but each obstacle only strengthened my resolve. I couldn’t have done it without the support of mother, husband and my beautiful and strong daughters.

Your success/achievements?

Building DARA wear from the ground up with my own hands is something that still amazes me to this day. It’s an achievement I am incredibly proud of because it stands as a testament to what can be accomplished through unwavering dedication and hard work. Starting from the humble beginnings of a small garage to now having a prominent location in Colombo, the journey has been nothing short of remarkable.

Panchali Anupama and spouse

This store is now recognised for its exceptional quality, distinctive style, and the personal touch that goes into every piece we offer. But beyond the growth and success of the brand, what fills me with the most pride is the example I’ve set for my daughters and other women. It’s deeply fulfilling to show them that with passion, perseverance, and determination, they too can achieve great things in life. This journey is not just about building a business—it’s about inspiring the next generation to dream big, work hard, and know that they have the power to shape their own futures.

What has been the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?

The hardest part of being an entrepreneur as a woman have been navigating the balance between my personal and professional life. As a mother of four daughters, I’ve often found myself juggling the demands of running a business with the responsibilities of raising a family. There have been times when the challenges of entrepreneurship—long hours, financial pressures, and the constant need for innovation—felt overwhelming, especially when they clashed with the irreplaceable moments of being present for my family.

Another difficult aspect has been the learning curve. Starting DARA Wear with no prior business experience meant I had to teach myself everything from scratch. The process was overwhelming, filled with trial and error, and there were moments of uncertainty and setbacks.

However, these challenges have also been my greatest teachers. They’ve forced me to grow, to adapt, and to develop a resilience that I might not have otherwise discovered. While the journey has been incredibly demanding, it has also been immensely rewarding, both personally and professionally. Each hurdle I’ve overcome has made me a stronger entrepreneur and a more determined role model for my daughters and other women who aspire to turn their dreams into reality.

What do you think of the fashion industry. How do you keep up with the changing trends?

The fashion industry is vibrant and constantly evolving, which makes it incredibly exciting. To keep up with changing trends, I stay connected through social media platforms where trends often emerge. Most importantly, I listen closely to customer feedback, which provides valuable insights. At DARA Wear, we frequently update our collection to reflect the latest styles while also offering pieces that truly resonate with our customers.

Where do you see your business or your brand in the near future?

Overtime, I would like to see DARA Wear expanding its reach across Sri Lanka. My immediate focus is strengthening our online presence, which we will be essential in making my DARA clothing brand more accessible to a wide audience.

What is your relationship with clothes?

My relationship with clothes is deeply personal and rooted in a lifelong passion for fashion. Clothes, for me, are not just about fabric and design—they are a form of self-expression, a way to tell a story without saying a word. From a young age, I was drawn to the colours, textures, and styles that allowed me to express my-self. This love for fashion has only grown stronger over the years, and it’s what inspired me to create DARA Wear.

I see clothes as a powerful tool for empowerment. The right outfit can boost confidence, transform a mood, and make someone feel truly special. This belief drives my work at DARA Wear, where I hope every women and young girls feel their best wearing the pieces we offer. My relationship with clothes is also about connection—understanding what my customers need, what makes them feel beautiful.

. Did your passion for fashion lead you to a career in the industry?

Absolutely, my passion for fashion has been the driving force behind my entire career in the industry. From a very young age, I was captivated by the world of fashion. This deep love for fashion led me to take the bold step of starting my own clothing brand, DARA Wear.

Building a career in the fashion industry has been incredibly fulfilling, but it’s also been a journey of learning and growth. My passion for fashion has kept me motivated through the challenges and has inspired me to continuously evolve, ensuring that DARA Wear stays at the forefront of style.

How do you stay inspired and motivated to run the boutique?

One of the biggest factors that inspires and keeps me motivated is the feedback and support from customers. It’s quite fulfilling when we can make our customers happy. Also the ever-evolving world of fashion and the challenge of staying ahead.

But most importantly, I am deeply grateful to my family. Their love and support have been the backbone of my journey. My husband, my mother, and my daughters. Their encouragement fuels my passion and motivates me to keep pushing the boundaries of what DARA Wear can achieve.

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