
Vaccination travails



People of all ages and with various ailments are seen standing in ‘vaccination queues’ for hours in the sun and rain. When announcements are made that jabs can be received from 8 am to 3 pm, people rush to the vaccination centres and wait. If time slots are allocated for them, this problem will not arise.

The other problem is that the health officials know that they have doses only for a limited number, but they do not turn away others, asking them to come on some other day. They allow people to wait in queues.

I went to get my first dose around 11 am. I counted how many people were ahead of me. There were about 100 people. This centre had some young volunteers to help the people who needed assistance.

There were about 15 officers (kind and efficient) to attend to other formalities and the vaccination. We spent only about 45 minutes there, including the 20 minutes compulsory stay after vaccination. When we left the centre there were only about 10 people in the queue.


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