The Magic of Papaya
Every girl dreams of having soft, creamy-smooth skin, right? If you eat papayas regularly, you will definitely have the skin of your dreams. This is due to its high water content, which keeps the skin moisturised and hydrated, from the inside out. You can also mash papaya into a pulp and apply the paste on your skin. Leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes, and then wash it off and dry with a soft towel.
* Reduces Dark Spots:
If you have dark spots, or blackheads, on your skin’s surface, use papaya to help you out. Papaya has lightening properties that can help those dark spots fade away in no time. All you need to do is mix the pulp of the papaya with a teaspoon of lemon juice, or honey, and apply it onto the affected area. The end results will be simply great.
* Conditions Rough and Damaged Hair:
Yes, papaya can also do wonders to your hair. The rich nutritive content of this fruit can help your hair retain its healthy glow. To do this, mix the pulp of a papaya with half a banana, and a teaspoon of coconut oil. Mash it well, rub it onto your hair and rinse it off after about 10 minutes. Result? Smoother, better-looking hair.
* Prevents Early Signs of Ageing:
Regular consumption of papaya can prevent early signs of ageing as papaya contains vitamin A. This vitamin helps get rid of dead skin cells, whereas its vitamin C content can rejuvenate your skin from within. The removal of these dead skin cells will help you get rid of any early signs of ageing, include wrinkles and fine lines.