The seventh edition of the SLMA Guidelines and Information on Vaccines, was launched recently.
This is a series of books on vaccines published by the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA). The first was published in 2001. Due to its popularity among the medical profession, revised and improved editions have followed almost every three years.
The objective of this book is to educate and update healthcare professionals on vaccines and vaccinology. This book has 372 pages with 37 chapters and six annexes. It gives precise and up-to-date information, based on current scientific evidence. It includes chapters on all vaccines available in Sri Lanka. It has chapters discussing immunization of special groups such as the elderly, sports persons and in pregnancy. It also covers topics relevant to vaccines, such as adverse events following immunization and storage and transport of vaccines. It is useful as a handbook for doctors, medical students and nurses, and especially to those who practice vaccination.
The book has five joint editors and 29 authors of chapters. They include community physicians, paediatricians, microbiologists, virologists, immunologists, pharmacologists, an obstetrician and gynaecologist, a venereologist and a family physician.
The material in the book may be reproduced and distributed in any medium provided the author/s of the chapters and the SLMA Guidelines and Information on Vaccines 7th Edition is acknowledged.
This book is available free to members of the SLMA. It is on slma.lk, the website of the SLMA, which could be freely accessed by any person. It is also available for sale at the office of the SLMA.