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Preference vote should be marked as 1, 2, 3 – ECSL
The Election Commission issuing a press release has informed voters that, as there are more than three candidates contesting the 2024 Presidential Election, that they have the opportunity to mark their first preference and indicate their second and third preference for two additional candidates.
The press release also states that voters have the option of only marking their first preference if they choose.
To cast a vote, the voter has to place the number 1 in the box next to the name and symbol of their preferred candidate. The voter then may mark 2 and 3 for their second and third preferences respectively, A ballot will still be considered valid, if it contains a properly marked vote for one candidate even if the second and third preferences are not marked.
If the voter makes any mark on the ballot that clearly indicates their intention (eg . marking an X) it will be considered as a vote for the candidate selected.