
‘ Piyadasa Sirisena Vimarshana”



Launch of Piyadasa Sirisena biography

Author – Dr. B. G. A.Vidyatilleka

Publisher- Sarasavi Printers and Publishers, Nugegoda.

The biography of Mr. Piyadasa Sirisena, pioneer Sinhala novelist,editor, Buddhist and national worker , will be launched on Friday 4h September 2020,at 3.30 p.m. at the Sri Lanka Library Services Board, Independence Avenue, Colombo 7.

The speakers on the occasion will be Ven. Pethiyagama Gnaneswara Thero, Professor in Pali and Buddhism at the Buddhist University , Prof Sandagomi Coperaheva, Head of the Faculty of Sinhala, of the University of Colombo,.Chaminda Welagedera , leading Sinhala Novelist, and the Author of the book Dr. B.G.A. Widyatilleka. The vote of thanks will be delivered by Jagath Savanadasa a descendent of Sirisena.

(Owing to the present restrictions attendance will be confined to those invited)

The nearly 1000-page book is literary tome in many ways that probes the very depths of the Buddhist revival during the run up to the island’s independence from British rule.

Extremely well researched, it is a rare if not unique essay on the great contribution made by Sirisena to this nation. It is analytical, too, and the Author evidently has burnt midnight oil to place before the reader relevant information of that critical era of history.

Sirisena was able to awaken the masses by his reminiscences of a rich culture and heritage which needed to be protected from being eroded by those aligned to foreign rule.

Facets of his life as seen by Dr. Vidyatilleka and other writers of history observed that Sirisena had been inspired since his early teens by the great Buddhist crusader – Anagarika Dharmapala.

Sirisena produced 22 novels. Some of which were those of advocacy.He was also a poet and the Sinhala Jatiya which he edited was anti- imperialist in tenor. This angered the British but for sometime they did not impose punitive sanctions on publications unlike in India which they ruled for centuries.

The biography also has focussed on Sirisena’s personal and public life . Importantly, how he brought up a large family in the mist of pressures which invariably accompanies a prominent public personality. Sirisena was later drawn into the struggles that the leadership conducted to gain independence from British rule.

The temperance movement was one important activity that Sirisena through his newspapers was associated with.

In 1915 the Sinhala Muslim riots that took place, proved to be highly damaging to the British rule. On this occasion Sirisena was imprisoned, for allegedly inciting the people to rise against the British administration along with other leaders like D.S. and F.R. Senanayake, the Hewavithrana brothers and a few others.

The British system of Justice was subject to extreme criticism both by British and Ceylonese leaders.

Any further information on the Biography and connected details could be obtained from:

The Hony. Secretary, Piyadasa Sirisena Commemoration Society , 291/9 , Edward Avenue, Havelock Road, Colombo 6. Tel- 2500495, 0773279851

E-mail- jaysavana123@ gmail.com.


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