Hooray! Cheers! Hallelujah! Sadhu Sadhu! You may justifiably wonder whether ole Cass has finally gone batty, beyond the pale of sanity. Such jubilation? What about when...
By Rathindra Kuruwita The Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) yesterday informed the Health Ministry that security forces continued to interfere with the anti COVID-19 activities carried...
The largest Poson pandal in Europe is now being displayed at the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre, Kingsbury The pandal was opened at an event that...
It is immensely disturbing, to see members of the farming community, compelled to abandon their fields and take to the roadsides, holding up placards to draw...
By Dinasena Ratugamage Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has promised the Jaffna Cultural Association that he will visit Jaffna soon. The Association had earlier requested the...
Open letter to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa We write to draw your attention to the serious situation faced by the 4.3 million student population in this country...
Friday 2nd July, 2021 Government nurses are on the warpath. Their sick-note campaign affected all state-run health institutions except some places such as the pandemic treatment...
Navy and Custom officers wear white uniforms. The relationship between the two old services are also unique. When we seize contraband smuggled by sea routes, we...
MullenLowe Group Sri Lanka announced the appointment of Sean Pompeus as Associate Vice President and Business Director and Jude Jayaprekash as Creative Director at LoweLintas, with...
We had a speech recently with Ruwanweli in the background; the dagoba was barely visible due to the contrast between the clouds in the sky because...