
Misuse of Presidential Pardon



The present constitution has included a section to enable the Executive President to use his powers to grant pardons to a person who has been found guilty of offences which may not be very serious.

But from the first pardon that had been granted to the last one it has been found that at all instances it has been a misuse of this power. Has any president given a pardon which could be justified as a correct action?

All the pardons given by Presidents have been to release murderers, child abusers and other criminals who have been sentenced to death by the Judiciary. If this executive power is made use of to pardon criminals who have been found guilty of very serious offences, including heinous ones like the gruesome murder at Royal Park, people begin to wonder whether it serves any purpose or bring any benefit to the law abiding ordinary citizens.

Many laws enacted through Parliament and what is in the constitution has never been used for the benefit of the people in this country. They have only benefited those in power. This could happen only in a country like Sri Lanka.

For the law abiding people of this country this power of pardon bestowed on the Executive President has been more a bane than a boon. Every time a Presidential pardon has been given it had only made the law abiding citizens angry while the culprit who had committed the heinous crime and the giver of the pardon are happy. Sooner this is taken off the statute the better it is for the country and its people.


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