
Giving a chance to JVP



Apropros “Why not let the JVP have a chance?” by Chathura Jayampathi in The Sunday Island of December 12. First of all, now it is too late for us to make experiments by giving chances to different parties. What is needed is a permanent solution. There is no guarantee that the JVP would do a good job. We are measuring them using a few factors. One is, most prominent four or five members seem to be honest and active. Forming a government needs at least 113 MPs and with such large numbers there can be all sorts of characters.

When analysing the past election results, it would be absurd to imagine that the JVP would be able to win that number of seats. The present main characters have won the confidence of people as they are capable of properly analysing the actions by the government, but such criticising alone would not say they would be good in governing.

What we should do is to get the best from all (present Opposition) parties to form a common front to contest all future elections in order to defeat the present ruling clan. This coalition of opposition parties should also select a suitable person to contest at the presidential election. Dividing the votes among present opposition parties would lead to a weaker government or the re-election of the current regime.

K. Siriweera

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