
A fire; a funeral with five US Presidents present



All five living US Presidents, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden attending President Jimmy Carter’s funeral recently

Forest fires were raging in southern California at the time of writing. The deadly combination of an exceptionally dry period — Los Angeles received only 0.16 inches of rain since October — and powerful offshore gusts known as the Santa Ana winds whipped the roaring flames ever wider and deadlier. The cause was pinpointed. A man pushed his burning car into a ravine near Chico and the metal dragging on the ground is believed to have caused the fire. The latest statistic for human death caused by fire is 24.

A disaster anywhere, even in the most prosperous, powerful and proud nation is cause for universal sympathy and condolence. But it is inevitable that like in Cassandra’s mind, people will recall the thousands willfully killed and injured in the Gaza strip by the Israeli Army. Can you imagine willfully letting people starve and babies freeze to death, just because the wandering Jew was given a land in Palestinian country to settle down in, and now wants to annex more of land around it and drive out or cause genocide in neighbouring states. Thus, the word and its meaning – retribution comes to mind; paying for one’s sins. And why must the US pay? Because it supports financially, politically and with arms and planes, warring Israel.

Cass watched a video clip that had a preacher pronounce that Hollywood was burning because at a recent awards ceremony God was blasphemed. So, God turned around and brought raging fire to Hollywood and surrounding districts. If God is merciful why these deadly tit for tat costing so much in resources: human and material.

The rational reason, of course, is global warning which exacerbates natural disasters, and excessive expansion of human habitats too close to forests.

Funeral of Ex-President Jimmy Carter

Maureen Dowd wrote an excellent article – as is her way – in the NYT, titled Five Presidents and a funeral, in which her focus was contrasting the late ex-president to the soon-to-be-returned next president. The five US Presidents present at the state funeral, all seated together in adjacent pews were George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Of the spouses, Michele Obama was prominently absent.

Dowd starts her comment thus: “Jimmy Carter was exactly where he wanted to be at his funeral on Thursday – at a deliberate remove from his fellow presidents. And slightly above them.”

The first contrast between the deceased President and the revived President was that they were at opposite ends on the moral scale.  “Here was Carter, the righteous, ascending to heaven, as Donald Trump, the felonious, ascended again to the Oval Office. Carter’s passion for honesty was as ingrained as Trump’s addiction to lying.  Even as Carter was being praised at his state funeral at the National Cathedral working tirelessly to eradicate diseases, Trump was hunting for a disease to pin on immigrants to justify sealing the border. While the centenarian was heralded for his virtue and monogamous 77-year marriage with Rosalynn, Trump was bracing to be sentenced on his vice – falsifying records to cover up an infidelity with a porn star, conducted while Melania was home taking care of her newborn son.”

Maureen Dowd continues the contrast by bringing in the entirely different attitudes to climate change Carter and Trump had. Carter very early on detected the danger of global warming and took measures to curb pollution. When Carter lay in state in the Capitol, Kamala Harris paid a sincere and heart-warming tribute  to him in which she itemized his achievements as Prez, like his energy policy, his vision of protecting the environment, doubling the area under parks, extending protection to the Redwoods, appointing more Blacks to positions of power and increased employment of women five times. Trump ignored and denied global warming and may not have changed his stance. He had America withdrawing from the Paris meeting on global warming in 2017 and directed the US not sign the final statement.

If you take that statement of Carter’s achievements while he was 39th President, the contrast between the two is further amplified.  Trump cares little about surroundings as long as he lives like a king; he disdains Blacks and others of colour with his White Supremacy belief, and women he treats so very condescendingly.

Dowd’s final comparison is naming the two: Farmer from Plains vs. Emperor of Chaos.

Cynicism clouded as criticism

Cassandra has recently read and heard criticism of the NPP not keeping to its election manifesto of promises and almost going back on what it promised. Criticism is good and necessary. Any government should allow it and listen, and take action to correct mistakes. Previous governments did not tolerate fault finding even when it was justified. Some governments gagged the press, burnt outfits and killed journalists. We were made to believe the NPP was different and we did and do believe this. Thus, while criticism is good it must be firm-foundationed and justified.

It is said that the NPP government has kept to the bargain thrashed out by Ranil W’s SLPP government with the IMF. It is of absolute paramount importance that Sri Lanka gets untangled from bankruptcy and dire economic woes. The NPP would surely have studied options and decided not to make too many changes in negotiation with the IMP which seemed to satisfy this body so it continues to assist SL to rise from abject economic downfall. The critics say the poor still suffer – taxes, etc. Yes, but the rich are not going to be given the chance to live like kings on pilfered government money. All are called upon to tighten belts and those in power are doing so – no extravagances. There is no justification for the NPP government but all political parties do not keep pre-election promises. Also, we believe the present government is doing the best for the country. So, drop that criticism unless you are an expert economist.

Another criticizing question which is hardly camouflaged cynicism, is: Where are the caught rogues? Where is the brought back lucre? If people think you can catch cunning masterminds who have stashed stolen money and gold, etc., or those advised by master crooks how to cover their stealing steps and stolen goods, they are simpletons. See how difficult it is to swat a fly. Criminals are escapists. All possible evidence must be collected before an arrest is made. Remember the flawed, half-baked cases of corruption thrown aside as lacking substantial evidence. Both Lasantha Wickrematunge and Wasim Thajudeen were not even left in peace after they were brutally and openly murdered. First cases – just dismissed. Then came Yahapalanaya and renewed investigations. Again, failure and murderers left smirking, completely free.  So, give the present government time and then pitch into them if, like other governments did, the NPP also lets the high-flying rogues and murderers continue flying high.

We Ordinaries continue being hopeful Sri Lanka will be turned around – IMF aided; friendly relations diplomatically forged through successful presidential visits; officers working conscientiously; and corruption reduced.

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