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First ever visit of Buddhist and Hindu Priests from Sri Lanka to Saudi Arabia



Buddhist monks from Sri Lanka meet a Saudi Arabian dignatary

On the invitation extended by Sheikh Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al- Issa, Secretary General of the Muslim World League and President of the Organisation of Muslim Scholars to participate at the Forum titled “Promoting Common Values Among the followers of Religions”, organised by the Muslim World League, an International Islamic Non-Governmental Organisation based in Mecca, Saudi Arabia meant for religious leaders and senior scholars, a delegation led by the Most Venerable Banagala Upatissa Thera, President of the Mahabodi Society of Sri Lanka and Chief Sangha Nayaka for Japan, Chief Priest–Lankaji Temple, Japan and Chief Priest-Sanchi Chethiyagiri Viharaya, India visited Saudi Arabia from 9 -13 May 2022. This is the first ever visit to the Kingdom by a Buddhist Priest.

The Most Venerable Banagala Upatissa Thera addressed the above Forum convened on 11 May at the prestigious Ritz Carlton Hotel in Riyadh. In his address, Most Ven. Banagala Upatissa Thera focused his attention on the similarity of teaching of Lord Buddha and teaching and practices in the Islamic faith. He stated that “Many people would be shocked to think of Islam and Buddism being comparable in anyway and yet if you look closely at their teachings, and their efforts towards peace, they are more similar than one may suspect”. Further elaborating on the teaching of Lord Buddha, the Most Venerable Thera said “Buddhist philosophy is really important for world peace. The mantras and philosophy are valid and useful in everyone’s life not only for Buddhists”.

During his stay in Riyadh, the Venerable Thera also spoke to a few Sri Lankan community members on religious tolerance and understanding. He stressed the importance of positive contribution by the Sri Lankans living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at a time when Sri Lanka faces a critical economic situation.

The Most Venerable Thera also took part in the Vesak Celebration at the Sri Lanka Embassy premises on the 13 May organised by the Sri Lanka Cultural Forum, together with the Sri Lankan community in Riyadh, which included a Bodhi Pooja, and Cultural performance by the students of the Daham Pasala. The Most Venerable monk hailed the Sri Lankan community in Riyadh for scaling down the Vasak celebrations this time and diverting the resources meant for the celebrations for the needy people in Sri Lanka.

He also took part in the Dhana (Alms giving) which was organised at the Embassy on 12 May.

Kurukkal Ramachandra Iyer of the Hindu Religious Department and Ven. Koswatte Palitha Thera also took part in the forum. It is also the first time a Hindu Priest from Sri Lanka has visited the Kingdom.

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Concessionary priced food packages for new ‘Aswesuma’ applicants from 01st to 13th April




In keeping with the proposal  by the President in his 2025 budget,  for the provision of a package essential goods at a concessionary price during the Sinhala and Tamil New Year Festival season, it has been planned to provide a food package containing essential food items valued at Rs. 5000/- for only Rs. 2,500/-.

It is expected to select appropriate beneficiaries from among the 812,753 candidates who have submitted new applications for Aswesuma benefits.

Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal furnished by the Minister of Trade, Commerce, Food Security and Cooperative Development jointly with the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Lands and Irrigation to take necessary steps to provide the food package to the beneficiaries through the Lanka Sathosa outlet network and COOPFED outlets from 01.04.2025 to 13.04.2025

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Salary revision of the Government Service – 2025




The Cabinet of Ministers have decided as follows considering the resolutions submitted by the President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Plan Implementation and Economic Development along with the Minister of Public Administration, Provincial Councils and Local Governments on payment of salaries according to the revised salary scales with effect from 01.04.2025 based on the resolution furnished by the President for revising the salaries of government service by the budget 2025;

• To empower the Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration, Provincial Councils and Local Governments to issue circular instructions to the the secretaries of all the Ministries, Local Government Secretaries and Heads of Departments in regard to salary revisions of the government service.

• To empower the Secretary to the Ministry of Finance, Plan Implementation and Economic Development to issue circular instructions for state corporations, statutory boards and fully government owned companies and other institutions.

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Amendment of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007 to be Gazetted




Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers has been granted to amend the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007 for remedying the shortcomings related to the transparency according to the international standards for prevention of money laundering, financing terrorism and other illegal activities.

Accordingly, the draft bill prepared by the Legal Draftsman has been revised as per instructions provided by the Attorney General subject to the special decision of the Supreme Court No. SC/SD/92/2024 and clearance of the Attorney General has been granted for the final draft bill prepared by the Legal Draftsman.

The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution furnished by the Minister of Trade, Commerce, Food Safety and Cooperative Development to publish the aforementioned draft bill in the government gazette notification and subsequently submit to the Parliament for its concurrence.

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