When parasites multiply
Mr Editor, a list of politicians whose family members are to be appointed to our embassies had gone viral. It is redundant to say what the public response was to this plan of a discredited government whose members are facing public anger. This government having misled the public having pedalled race and religion lived in clover and bankrupted the country. Millions are in dire straits and this plan certainly will draw public resentment.Nepotism has reigned supreme for long and the anger of the educated new generation is manifestly clear. It’s common knowledge that the majority are unfit to be in a national legislature and some whose family members figure are well known to have acquired wealth having robbed the state.The President is longer obliged to find employment to family members of politicians whose track record is much in the public domain. The critical need is for him to source educated persons who will enhance the quality of the embassies. Such appointees will add quality which will in turn forge goodwill to the country. We have plenty of such young persons and if the President were to tap such sources his rate of acceptance by the people will get enhanced.
It is evident that while enjoying all the perks unknown to most educated members of other legislatures they now choose to extend the benefits to family members too without going through a selection process where the need is for best to be placed in our missions.It is relevant to know what their qualifications are for such appointment and whether any selection process was followed before selection.I trust the President will give more thought to this proposal and not add more debit points to his record.
Gayan Prematilleke