
What of Judiciary, Law and Judges?



Yesterday, in the cab I was travelling, a Nanda Malini CD was playing. When a new song came on, after about three songs, the driver stopped the CD.  I asked him why. He muttered something and restarted the CD. That song, we do not hear much or at all, is a nice one with a great meaning. “Yadamin benda wilangu laa mage putha ….”   “My son is being handcuffed and taken away  ….” In the next three, four lines Sunil Ariyaratne asked in the voice of Nanda ‘If thinking about a new word is a crime that deserves punishment, what is the purpose of having a judiciary, law and judges, in that country?”.

With the distressing news we hear, on a daily basis, those words are still ringing in my ears. “Kumata erata Adhikaranaya, Neethiya saha Winisuran”. One cannot ignore how, recently, some members of the public, who were bailed out by the Magistrate, were forcibly bundled into vehicles, within the court premises itself, and taken away, and no one seems to be responsible for that unlawful and shameful act.


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