US Prez plays with C19; over here the tossing high of 20A
So the second onslaught of that pestiferous pestilence is trying to take a hold on Sri Lanka. We had a formidable team to combat the C19 the first time around and the pandemic subsided with never having attacked socially. It was defeated by the totally committed Dr Anil Jasinghe, the Army Commander and Health Services from doctors down to midwives, who rallied round unstintingly. People however lost their memories and heads once the initial fear subsided. We as a nation are notorious (that word used purposefully) for certain quirks in our collective behaviour. Just as we are inconsistent in our loyalties, we are forgetful too of past happenings, good and bad alike. We never think history repeats itself. We shout and demand punishment and then accept wrong doers when political tides change for them. We have forgotten and probably forgiven huge commission grabbers and bribe takers, even murderers when they ride the crest of political power. We have second tier leaders who voted for 19A and now shout for its banishment and the installation of 20A.
We had apparently forgotten the dangers of Covid 19 always lurking very close, and teeming across the Palk Straits. We danced and sang cheek by jowl and politicians went around maskless, shaking hands and exuding bonhomie. Breaches in defenses were soon utilized by the insidious devilish pest. Now we shiver and expect more lockdowns. Remember Cass commented adversely on the Derana Dream Star mega show and prophesied not blood but another round of Covid 19 infection. She refrains from mouthing I told you so. Just like gracious Biden only sent good wishes to Trumpy when he and First Lady announced they had contracted the infection, Cass wishes dear ole Lanka a speedy escape from the tentacular Covid 19.
Truly ill or fake ill?
Another Sri Lankan trait comes to the fore: misbelieving the news. Many are certain this declaration of being infected by the Prez of the US is a political gimmick. He has already boasted about his speedy recovery and announced it is not a dangerous disease and not to be afeared but face it and fight it. Cass disagreed totally with the doubting Thomases, but Trump’s latest gimmick of being discharged and arriving home walking briskly across the White House lawns gives even trusting Cass some doubts. There stood the man at the top of a flight of White House steps, removing his face mask and chucking it in his pocket as just another throwaway object The doctors solemnly intoned ‘the next forty eight hours are crucial for the president.’ And within that 48 he took a ride waving to crowds gathered opposite Walter Reed Hospital and now the man is back in the presidential mansion.
What to believe is Cass’ problem now. He was given strong drugs to shorten the duration of the illness, which according to one theorist has altered even his already quirky personality, so much so that he is in a state of euphoria, hence the car ride.
Back home and into the thick of things
Cass cheered heartily and sent thanks heavenwards when the Archbishop of Colombo Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith questioned how the Criminal Investigation Dept (CID) had released a suspect it had earlier claimed was directly linked to the masterminds of the Easter Sunday terror attacks, without subjection to a judicial process. This was His Eminence’s reaction to the news of Riyad Bathiudeen , brother of former Minister Rishad Bathiudeen being released in a jiffy after being detained
Cass must be connected by blood to the great Grecian thinkers and philosopher and so she sat and ruminated on lessons to be drawn this last week. Lessons with no benefit, of course.
Over confidence goeth before the fall
A la Trump’s Covid 19 infection or ruse, it showed that one cannot be cavalier with that miniscule Covid 19 bit of fat coated protein. Boris Johnson learnt his lesson and had to have O-two pumped into him to get him to survive the infection. Trump jeered at Biden for being masked all the time and he came down with the illness. He may have recovered almost miraculously but after effects of the strong drugs may linger.
We have VVIPs and those on the second tier also becoming cavalier and taking for granted certain givens. One: – they believe and proclaim that those who voted for pohottuwa contestents in the general election voted for the 20A. This assumption is repeated by all the political parrots and the loudest is his Greatness GLP. We voted them in for a strong government and advancement for the people, not the promotion of a kingly president with unlimited powers. So this statement of we the people voted for 20A is intolerable. We knew nothing of 20A when we voted. We were told a new Constitution would be in the making but were not told of the contents of 20A. So we the voters are again taken for asses and suckers. Cass will not labour the point as what she says is clear. We the people want a better life, not one of uncertainty and fear and no democracy. We want to live in peace, be assured of food security and affordable prices, and with good education for our children, the certainty of a free, democratic land for them to live in. Not too much to ask for, is it?
We’ll hopefully meet again next Friday with the Covid pandemic under severe control in our beloved land; the judges having been wise and just and life of serenity assured.