UN action against Sri Lanka
Meenakshi Ganguly (MG) has written an article asking the countries of the Global South to support the UNHRC resolution against Sri Lanka.MG alleges, only on hearsay, that the government forces have killed tens of thousands of Tamil civilians. The LTTE terrorists massacred thousands of innocents for 30 years before they were defeated by the government forces. In Gonagala village (Eastern province) they cut open the bellies of the Sinhalese pregnant mothers alive, took the infant out and sliced it like fish. Where was MG? In the Sri Maha Bodhi (the Sacred Bodhi tree) premises, at Anuradhapura, the LTTE killed more than 250 innocent worshippers, mostly elderly women. Haven’t heard MG condemning such brutality. At Aranthalawa, in the Eastern Province, the terrorists massacred 37 innocent novice monks (aged 12 -15 ) travelling in a bus. MG and her human rights cohorts kept mum.
Terrorism is defined as killing innocents to achieve a political aim. The LTTE has been listed as the most ruthless terrorist organisation in the world and banned in more than 32 countries. Fighting against such an outfit is not a ” civil war ” as MG has ignorantly mentioned. It was a “Non-International Armed Conflict” very clearly mentioned even in the POE and UNHRC reports. As per the Protocol iii of the Geneva convention, the applicable law in a NIAC is not the International Human Rights Law but International Humanitarian Law.
The LTTE used 300,000 innocent Tamils as a human shield in the last stages of the war and mercilessly shot dead whoever ran towards the Army for protection. MG must ask the foreign journalists, who were in the battlefield, and find out as to why the Tamils ran towards the so-called ” perpetrators” for protection. I haven’t heard MG, or any human rights activist, asking the terrorists to refrain from such barbaric action. The UNESCO reported more than 3000 Tamil children, aged 10- 12, were being used as cannon fodder by the LTTE. Where was MG who is supposed to be an advocate of the protection of children from violence? She, instead of appealing to countries to punish the government forces, must hide in shame.
The SL government defeated the ruthless LTTE by rescuing 295,000 innocent Tamils. It was the largest rescue operation carried out by any army in the world. During the last few days, the terrorist leader was at Nandikadal lagoon surrounded by hundreds of Tamil civilians. Without using long range heavy artillery, in order to save the lives of innocent Tamil brethren, the first wave of our soldiers walked over the heavy minefield, knowing that they would lose their lives/limbs. More than 150 men lost their legs and a few died. That’s how our soldiers sacrificed their lives to protect the Tamil civilians when the victory of the 30 years of war was at sight. In such circumstances only a pro LTTE hypocrite can blame our soldiers for deliberately killing thousands of civilians.
MG is not a war crime expert. She doesn’t know the terms such as military necessity, distinction, proportionality, humanity, chivalry, military/civilian targets, difference between combatants and civilians, etc.
But there were six internationally renowned war crime experts who were attached to the Paranagama Presidential Commission, appointed to inquire about the missing personnel. They were Sir Desmond de Silva, Sir Jeffrey Nice, Prof Michael Crane, Prof. Michael Newton, Major General John Holms and Rodney Dickson QC. They had firsthand information on the battlefield and none of them had mentioned that the Army had committed any war crimes. On the other hand, they have mentioned that the Army should be praised for the manner in which they conducted themselves minimizing civilian casualties. I ask MG, without playing into the gallery, to go through those reports if she is genuine in her profession.
Of course, there can be excesses on the part of a few soldiers and they have been duly prosecuted and punished. But what about the 3000 Sri Lankan Tamil women raped by the Indian Peace Keeping Forces, between 1987 – 1990? MG, who is supposed to be an advocate of women, never asked even for an investigation. Was it because the perpetrators were Indians?
MG complains about giving Presidential pardon to a soldier convicted for murder. Doesn’t she know that more than hundred hardcore terrorists were released from jail, from time to time? If she is really concerned about human rights, why didn’t she protest? MG should know that the government has rehabilitated more than 12000 LTTE cadres who were arrested/surrendered and also 500 child soldiers who are now married and settled down in the society. Doesn’t the SL government deserve praise from the human right activists in that regard?
The western countries were angry for not heeding to their orders/requests to save the life of LTTE leader. That was the main reason for all the Geneva resolutions against SL, for, the very first UN resolution on the issue, on 27th May, was in favour of SL praising the government for defeating the terrorists and condemning the atrocities of the LTTE.
Theresa May, the former PM of the UK, announced that she would go to the extent of amending the Human Rights laws when it comes to the protection of her soldiers fighting terrorism.
Donald Trump said he would even invade a country trying to prosecute any American soldier for any alleged war crime. Isn’t it hilarious that MG, who hasn’t responded to the above, is now openly supporting a UK, USA sponsored resolution against SL regarding human rights? Some say that only a bankrupt human right activist, or a one who is in the payroll of separatist Tamil diaspora, can lobby a resolution against government forces who ended the war on terrorism.
Rear Admiral (Dr.) Sarath Weerasekera