
Tourists carrying bogus vaccinaton certificates: CMLS fires warning shot



By Rathindra Kuruwita

Sri Lanka received a significant number of tourists from countries that are known for the prevalence of forged PCR reports and thus, allowing people in without being tested at the Airport would have disastrous consequences, President of the College of Medical Laboratory Science (CMLS), Ravi Kumudesh told The Island yesterday.

During a meeting at the Health Ministry on Monday the officials decided that travellers arriving in Sri Lanka should mandatorily carry PCR reports issued within 72 hours prior to embarkation to prove that they are not infected. Those who have been infected with COVID-19 in the past three months should produce Rapid Antigen Test reports done within 48 hours prior to embarkation.

The Ministry added that fully vaccinated (two weeks after getting double jabbed) travelers who arrived with a negative PCR Report, done within 72 hours of embarkation, or a negative Rapid Antigen Test report, done within 48 hours prior to embarkation, would be released from airport and did not have to undergo Day 1 PCR test or quarantine after arrival here. Unvaccinated children below 12 years, accompanying fully vaccinated parents who are Sri Lankan citizens/Dual citizens/Resident visa holders would be allowed to proceed.

Commenting on these measures Kumudesh said that a large number of Indians and Pakistanis had arrived in Sri Lanka and there were many instances where the produced bogus PRC and Rapid Anigen Test reports.

“If we allow them in without testing them in our facilities, will be endangering the lives of people here.”

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