Title of ‘Adhikarana Sangha Nayaka’ conferred on Ven. Veligalle Pannaloka Thera
A ceremony to marking the conferring of the title of Adhikarana Sangha Nayaka of the Colombo Four Gravets on Ven. Veligalle Pannaloka thera is scheduled to be held at Sri Sambuddhalokha Vihara in Kotte, Madiwela at 3 pm today (28).
The sannaspathra presentation with regard to the conferment of the title took place on Thursday at the Malwatte Maha Vihayara in Kandy.Born on May 10, 1959, in Veligalla, Mawanella, he entered the monastic life at the age of 10 and received his novice training under Ven Dehimaduwe Sarananda Thera.
Ven Veligalle Pannaloka Thera received his basic education from the Polambegoda Sri Sudarshanarama Pirivena and Hunupitiya Gangarama Pirivena and tertiary education from the University of Kelaniya.
Ven Veligalle Pannaloka Thera commenced his teaching career at the Stanley Tillekeratne College in Nugegoda and served at the Vidayaraja Vidayalaya in Hokandars as the school’s deputy principal.
The Malwatte chapter in recognition of Ven Veligalle Pannaloka Thera’s services to the Buddha sasana and civil society conferred on him title the Adhikarana Sangha Nayaka of the Colombo Four Gravets.