The Amarapura–Ramanna stand deserves plaudits from all
The Amarapura–Ramanna Sanga Sabha deserves the respect of all citizens for the very clear message given to the rulers. What is planned is unacceptable, and more so at a time of grave danger which can kill many and ruin an already shattered economy.
I write, as a Buddhist, who has watched with disdain the shameful behaviour of our politicians who, at the drop of a hat, travel only to the hills at the cost of the taxpayer and meet the heads of Malwatte and Asgiriya to advance themselves. They offer Atapirikara in line with the Dhamma, and also offer a fruit basket, at the cost of the taxpayer. The prelates are also beneficiaries of Mercedes cars, on state account, for their travel, something all rulers do to be on their good books. They hardly visit the other sect for blessings, as they claim.
I am reminded of a pious monk, the late Ven. Madihe Pannasihe, who rejected luxury. He mentioned that when the then ruler reached him with an offer of a Mercedes, he declined.
Buddha, in his preachings, did not create caste based sects, and clearly decried such conduct. He said that it’s only by one’s conduct that one acquires nobility. Caste based practice was and is a frightening spectacle in India and to a lesser degree in Sri Lanka, where the practice is there but under cover. It was this that made the much respected Dr B.R. Ambedkar, with over a million followers, embrace Buddhism in the last century.
It’s common knowledge, in the last few months, that the battle cry had been the need to change the 19th Amendment and create the 20th, claiming that the provisions in the 19th impede the performance of the Executive. With a new Constitution supposed to come in six months, the rulers have found that the Presidency cannot wait till then to perform. This claim against in the backdrop of successfully containing the first onslaught of the dreaded Coronavirus, without even a Parliament.
Public resentment was mounting at an alarming rate and there have been no signs of strong objections from the other two sects up to now. It was at that time that the Amarapura Sect, based in the low country, that created a major explosion that has shaken the rulers. Hard on the heels of that came strong messages from the Bishops Conference, and also the other Christian organisations, and they deserve the plaudits of citizens of all races and religions.
It’s abundantly clear that many in the ruling party, which came with a large number, too, are opposed to the enactment of legislation which cannot be changed should the need be on a future date without a 2/3rd majority. Such a possibility is remote as the present day slogans will be invalid with the younger generation for any political party to ride to power.
I guess with the passage of time our electorate will be educated to make policy based decisions after assessment, and not get swayed by emotional factors. The younger generation must observe where our country has gone after 70 odd years of self rule. Hence with the unbelievable technological advances available, they will move for a better country if the present day rulers handle our geopolitical realities, today, intelligently.
Covid-19 has revisited us, and our highest priority should be given to contain that at any cost, to prevent a total lockdown and resultant turmoil.
I look forward to the response from the hills where the politicians of all hues patronise, most to awaken the rulers and also buttress the views expressed by other religious dignitaries.