
Sumanthiran explains why they are opposed to nominating a common Tamil candidate




The Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi (ITAK) believed nominating a common Tamil presidential candidate was a bad idea and one destined to fail, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP, M.A. Sumanthiran said in a recent televised interview.

“We think we must talk to the main candidate. We have already spoken to two candidates and we will continue with that. We will decide at the end who we will support,” he said.

The common Tamil candidate idea is a very bad one, because it will make the Tamil cause weak, Sumanthiran said. “When a presidential election comes, each person decides, based on individual preference. This is not an election one can use to send a message on Tamil issues. This is not a referendum on the right of self-determination. You must never do that,” he said.

The common Tamil candidate will fare very badly and when that happens people can interpret the result as Tamils do not want self-determination, he said. “This is a crazy idea and we have publicly condemned it,” he said. (RK)

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