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Servant of God: Thomas Cardinal Cooray OMI



Cardinal Cooray

36th Death Anniversary

The 36th anniversary of the death of His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Cooray falls on 29th October 2024. He was born as the fifth child to a devout catholic family of Periyamulla, Negombo on 28th December 1901. After pursuing his secondary education at St. Joseph’s College, Colombo, as a junior seminarian, he earned a B.A. degree from the University of London offering Botany, English Literature and Latin. He joined the Congregation of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) making his first vows in 1925. His devout character and academic excellence won him the opportunity of being sent to Rome to further his priestly and missionary training. Ordained priest in 1929 he returned to Sri Lanka in July 1931 with doctorates in Theology and Philosophy to his credit. Assigned first to the staff of St. Joseph’s College, he was next appointed Warden to the Catholic University Hostel and finally became the first Sri Lankan Director of the Oblate major seminary in Borella in 1937. After an eight–year tenure in this office, he was nominated in mid-January 1945 as Co-Adjutor to the then Archbishop Jean-Marie Masson OMI whom he succeeded in July 1947. Thus he became the sixth and the first Sri Lankan Archbishop of the Metropolitan See of Colombo. In February 1965 Archbishop Cooray was created cardinal by Pope Paul VI, the first ever Sri Lankan to be thus honoured. While he is the third cardinal in the 200-year history of the Oblate Congregation, he is the fifth in Asia. Having administered the Archdiocese for nearly three decades he resigned in September 1976. His death occurred in the house of his retirement “Emmaus” closer to the Basilica Church at Tewatte (Rāgama) at the age of 87 and his mortal remains were interred in the crypt of the Basilica on November 3rd 1988 amidst a large crowd of bishops, priests, religious, lay faithful and State dignitaries. The servant of God had been 63 years an Oblate religious, 59 years a priest, 43 years a Bishop and 23 years a cardinal. It is well-known that he died in the odour of sanctity. The cause of his sainthood is now under the purview of the Vatican. An elaborate Memorial Celebration is scheduled for 26th October involving many churches in and around Negombo.

Multi-faceted Endeavours

The Cooray-era dawns with the independence period of Ceylon in 1948 and meanders through events of profound religious, socio-cultural and political changes. The dawn of independence saw the birth of nationalism igniting manifold conflicts, tensions and alienation among people. The majority-minority syndrome in the form of Sinhala-Buddhist ethno-nationalism emerged as a reaction to the prevailing vestiges of colonial rule. Articulated in the Buddhist-Commission report submitted by the All-Ceylon Buddhist Congress, it was incorporated with the Act No 24 of 1955. Seen as foreign to the local culture, Christianity was perceived as a relict left by colonial powers. The situation normalised with the Constitution of 1972 which made Ceylon the Republic of Sri Lanka with Buddhism though given the foremost place also guaranteeing religious freedom for others. Cardinal Cooray attended the promulgation of this constitution on 22 May 1972. With the independence-era also leftist and Marxist ideologies began infiltrating into the country and Archbishop Cooray feared that such influence would derail the benefits of independence, adversely affect the religious culture of the people and even seep into the universities. However, Cardinal Cooray always steered clear of political involvements yet standing strongly for social justice and fundamental rights. He dreamt of a motherland of peace and prosperity with differences reconciled in true patriotism and envisioning it an oasis of national unity and ethnic harmony.

Challenges and Issues of Crisis

Archbishop Cooray faced many challenges such as the 1960/61 schools take-over when out of the over 600 Grade-III schools run by the Catholic Church, the archdiocese of Colombo lost over 250. He could safeguard only some Grade I and II schools conceded but retained at heavy cost. Today, these same schools are prestigious and well-known for the quality of education, discipline, safety and character formation. Though bereft of schools, to ensure the formation of Catholic children, Cardinal Cooray initiated the Daham Pāsala church programme as well as opening a teacher-training center in 1972.

Successive governments which often vacillated, paved the way for social unrest amongst the youth which flared up in the youth insurrection of April 1971. The island was plunged in the first-ever virulent and bloody country-wide violence. Though the rebellion was suppressed, the rehabilitation of the errant youth became a formidable task in which Cardinal Cooray was ready to collaborate. As a result he readily offered a 150-acre land in Bangadeniya in Chilaw, for a farm-school for vocational training.

In the mid-sixtees, restriction of visas for foreign missionaries saw the exodus of many catholic priests and nuns including the Charity Sisters of Mother Teresa, thus creating a great void especially in church administration. However, continuity of spiritual care had to be ensured. It was this challenge foreseen much earlier that prompted Archbishop Cooray to initiate building an indigenous local clergy: one of his unique achievements. The National Seminary of Our Lady of Lanka nestling in the proximity of the Dumbara Valley was thus inaugurated in 1955 with the Jesuit-run Papal Seminary there since 1893 being shifted to Poona. Today this historic institution has become the nursery of the catholic clergy. An adverse situation arose for all Christians when Poya-days were declared public holidays with Sunday as a working day (Holiday Act 17/1965) till it was amended by Holiday Act 27/1971 restoring also Sunday. The ceiling on the acquisition of land for the building of places of worship too created difficulties.

Specific Services and Projects

His concern for social justice is seen in the Socio-Economic and Development Centre (SEDEC) opened in Kynsey Road, Borella in 1969 which became eventually the National Caritas with its affiliation to International Caritas organization. Meant to help the poor, animation and empowerment of vulnerable classes such as plantation workers, farmers, lower-income earners and unemployed youth, SEDEC is in the forefront of promoting human rights as well as national reconciliation.

Education in general was one of his priorities. The Aquinas University College in Borella he founded in 1954 has grown to be a degree-awarding institution providing diploma and degree courses in various branches in view of professional advancement. Today, it has become a hub of higher learning in Colombo. Fr. Peter Pillai OMI, one of Asia’s best brains assisted in this venture. Youth are able to receive practical skills in the Radio and Electronic Laboratory that was founded in Kotahena in 1962 with Fr. Ignatius Perera a man of multiple skills, providing training mainly to school drop-outs. The nine-storey edifice named Paul VI Centre in Pettāh, co-ordinates all Laity services which included Young Christian Workers (YCW) and Christian Workers Movement (CWM). The needs of the fisher-folk and farmers had been uppermost in his agenda. His rehabilitation projects for the victims of natural disasters such as the floods of Chilaw and NCP (1950s) and of Trincomalee (1960s) are well on record.

The pastoral zeal of Cardinal Cooray embraced his entire catholic flock scattered in 88 churches from Negombo along the west coast through Colombo, Moratuwa stretching up to Bēruwala, also along the Kandy road through Kadawata, Nittambuwa to Welivēriya. The Basilica Church of Our Lady of Lanka built in Tēwatte is a monument in oriental architecture. The massive trees planted with his own hands there is proof of his great love for the plant-world nurtured even from his student days at St. Joseph’s College. A retreat house and two convents of contemplative nuns adorn the surroundings of the Basilica making its environs an oasis for prayer and meditation. In January 1965, on his initiative, a nine-day renewal seminar conducted by the Better World Movement, an international organisation brought in more than 350 participants, including Bishops, priests, religious and laity to Kandy. It reflected the face of the entire catholic community of Sri Lanka. A significant spiritual endeavour was the missionary district and catholic settlements he inaugurated in Anuradhapura in mid-fifties to care for the scattered Sinhala-speaking Catholics of NCP which to his immense joy became a full-fledged diocese in 1982. Cardinal Cooray is credited with being a founding-father of the Association of the Asian Bishops (FABC) with headquarters in Bangkok and co-founding Radio Veritas based in Manila for beaming Catholic programs across South-East Asia.

The Servant of God, Thomas Cardinal Cooray OMI was truly a great spiritual leader and true patriot commanding much respect from both religious dignitaries of his time such as Madihē Pagnāseeha Nāyake Thēro, Ven. Dr. Walpola Rahula Thēro and by those in government. The New York Times of 1st November 1988 quoting the Vatican said that: “During his time as Archbishop, Cardinal Cooray ‘favoured a respectful dialogue with the Buddhists and with other Christians, …….During the years of suppression or limitation of religious freedom, Cardinal Cooray constantly affirmed the spirituality of his own mission and the loyalty of Roman Catholics to the Sri Lankan Government’. President R. Premadāsa had said of him: “A personality of exceptional character and grace, and an eminent spiritual leader who made a mark in the history of the country and brought to his motherland great honour”. Cardinal Cooray, is an illustrious son of the soil with his rare charisma gracing the landscape of our mother-land. May his dream of a united and prosperous Sri Lanka rich in her religiosity, culture and history be ours too.

Rev. Fr. Leopold Ratnasekera OMI.
OMI Seminary, Ampitiya, 20160.
Tel: 0764702299

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Livable wage for deserving competence:



By Lalin I De Silva –

The history of plantations in Sri Lanka predates the structured implementation of Human Resources Management (HRM) principles. This has led to a stagnation of progressive workforce policies in the plantation sector, worsening the crisis of a static, never-evolving job structure at the estate level. The core issue stems from the industry’s continued entrenchment in the commodity market rather than transitioning into a product market—save for a few exceptions. This has provided fertile ground for trade unions to maintain an archaic system that perpetuates labor dependency rather than advocating for a modern, competency-driven business model.

Trade unions, instead of embracing transformation, have traditionally relied on collective bargaining mechanisms, often with the backing of international organizations like the International Labour Organization (ILO). While collective bargaining has been seen as a tool for securing higher wages, it has inadvertently preserved outdated employment structures. Value chain management experts have long proposed competency-based remuneration models to address labor attrition, yet these calls have largely gone unheeded. Consequently, the plantation sector is now grappling with an acute shortage of skilled labor, further eroding its contribution to the national GDP, which once stood at 4% but is now on a downward spiral.

Faced with laboUr crises, politicians have resorted to using their influence to mandate wage hikes, not as a means of strategic sectoral reform but merely as a damage-control measure. However, increasing wages without a structured, scientific approach does little to ensure sustainable sectoral growth. The fundamental question that remains unanswered is: how does one define and measure the ideal level of competence required for a liveable wage in the plantation sector?

The answer lies in embedding HRM principles into the very fabric of plantation management. A sustainable solution involves the following integrated approach:

1. Developing a New Business Model (Strategy): The plantation sector must transition from a commodity-based approach to a product-oriented one. This shift would add value to the supply chain, open new market opportunities, and create demand for a more skilled workforce that justifies better remuneration.

2. Digital Transformation (Technology): The introduction of smart agriculture, automation, and data analytics can help modernize estate operations. Digital tools can facilitate workforce planning, performance tracking, and precision farming techniques, all of which will redefine job roles and expectations.

3. Structural Reforms (Execution Frameworks): The industry must realign its organizational structures to support modern business objectives. This includes redefining job roles, eliminating redundant positions, and introducing competency-based career pathways.

4. Professional Development (Human Capital Evolution): The focus should shift from merely training technicians to cultivating professionals at all levels. This entails structured upskilling programs, leadership development, and competency assessments to drive industry-wide transformation.

Key HRM interventions such as job evaluation, job costing, job rotation, and salary benchmarking must be systematically applied to create a competitive and attractive workforce environment. This will not only address the challenge of high labor costs but also mitigate external political interference in wage determinations.

Rather than blaming political interventions for the sector’s decline, stakeholders must proactively manage growth through Value Chain Management (VCM) principles. A robust VCM approach ensures that each component of the plantation industry—from raw material sourcing to final product delivery—operates efficiently and profitably, thereby justifying a competency-based remuneration framework.

The future of Sri Lanka’s plantation sector depends on its ability to adapt, innovate, and integrate HRM strategies that align with global best practices. A shift towards a competency-based livable wage model will not only improve labor retention but also restore the sector’s economic viability, making it a sustainable and attractive career option for future generations.

(Lalin I De Silva, value chain journalist of Vivonta Green Tech Consultants, former Senior Planter, Agricultural Advisor/Consultant, Secretary General of Ceylon Planters Society, Editor of Ceylon Planters Society Bulletin and freelance journalist. )

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Mayhem on road



According to available data, Sri Lanka experiences a significant number of road traffic accidents with statistics indicating an average of around 38,000 crashes annually, resulting in approximately 2,500 fatalities and 8,000 serious injuries, placing it among the highest road fatality rates in the South East Asia! It’s absolutely shocking news! Let’s analyse available data.

According to research by D.S.Kodithuwakku of University of Kelaniya: The impact of environmental and human factors has significant importance on the Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) in Sri Lanka. Past studies have shown that neither the expansion of roads horizontally or vertically nor the reduction in the vehicle density is a solution to reduce RTAs. Therefore, this study is to determine the significant human factors associated with RTAs in Sri Lanka using data on RTAs during 2005-2019 obtained from the Department of Police, Sri Lanka, and suggest some solutions to reduce RTAs. The six reasons for major RTAs are overtaking, diversion, speed driving, alcohol consumption of driver, negligence of pedestrians, and mechanical fault of vehicles. About 85% of major RTAs were due to overtaking (32%), diversion (27%), and speed driving (25%). The percentage of RTAs under each of these variables is significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that of RTAs when the drivers have alcohol more than the minimum level (9%). The Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Conformity factor analysis (CFA) confirmed that reasons for RTAs can be classified into two latent factors, namely, ‘lack of attention of the drivers’ and ‘negligence of the drivers. The two factors are invariant on the type of extraction method as well the type of orthogonal rotation. The fitted binary logistic model revealed that the significant variables on RTAs are negligence of the road conditions by the drivers, lack of attention of the driver, age of driver less than 18 years, and status of alcohol by the drivers. The odds of fatal accidents happening when the driver has a valid driving licence are 4.3 times higher than that of a driver without a valid licence ! The inferences derived from this study can be easily used by Department of Police in Sri Lanka to reduce the RTAs in Sri Lanka. Drivers should be motivated to become well-disciplined drivers. Fines for those who do not adhere to road rules need to be increased substantially.

Vehicles in Sri Lanka do not currently require a mandatory MOT (Ministry of Transport) test, as there is no established system similar to the UK’s MOT that comprehensively checks a vehicle’s roadworthiness on a regular basis; however, vehicles are subject to annual licence renewals which include basic quality checks and emission tests during the process, and authorities can conduct random inspections if needed. How does it compare to U.K. ‘s mandatory 1st MOT for a brand new vehicle after just 3 years to be renewed annually!

Causes of Road Accidents

Over Speeding.

Drunken Driving.

Distractions to Driver.

Red Light Jumping.

Avoiding Safety Gears like Seat belts and Helmets.

Non-adherence to lane driving and overtaking in a wrong manner.

This is a common sight in Wales to warn drivers in addition to mandatory speed limits of 20MPH and 30MPH on certain stretches of roads introduced by the previous Welsh government under Mark Drakeford. It has already reduced RTAs significantly. Bumps across roads called Sleeping Policemen are in place near schools, hospitals and where elderly people live in care homes. Cats eyes in the middle of roads reflect light in white, green and red where it is dangerous to overtake !

Roads are classified as motorways (70 MPH), dual carriageways (70MPH) with National speed limit of 60MPH on A routes unless otherwise specified. Also, clear warning signs on narrower roads – Unsuitable for heavy goods vehicles. Drivers who qualify for a Blue Badge due to disabilities get one free which helps parking near shops subject to certain rules!

Sunil Dharmabandhu

Wales, U.K.

Passed my driving test on 07.07.1977 and still possess a clean licence, driving even our 3500kg 4 berth motor home

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Is persistent mudslinging solution to our problems?



By Dr Upul Wijayawardhana

It is no secret that the JVP/NPP government came to power mostly by slinging mud at their opponents, no doubt justified to some extent. There were gross exaggerations, claiming that nothing positive has happened since independence and tarring all politicians with the brush of corruption! It looks as if it wants to remain in power using the same tactic probably because it finds it difficult to keep to some of the promises it made to gain power. The sheer eloquence displayed by the president during the election campaigns seem to be coming to haunt him. On many things, which he stated could be reversed by a stroke of a pen are still pending and sceptics are questioning whether the president has misplaced the pen, just like the former speaker has misplaced his academic certificates!

Distortions continue to be the order of the day and as mentioned in the editorial “From ‘chits’ to ‘lists’ (The Island, 1 March), lists are being used to attack opponents, some of whom have already received ‘political punishment’ from the voters. What is worse are the unfair comparisons made, well exemplified by the list of expenses for foreign travel by presidents. The government made the crucial mistake of not limiting it to former presidents but in an attempt to create a whiter-than-white image of the president, it added unbelievably low cost to the present president’s three foreign trips. It is very likely that the expenses for the former presidents were for the entourage whereas for the present president, it was only for himself! Part of the low cost was attributed to the president receiving free tickets for two trips. I am sure if the tickets were provided by the inviting governments, it would have been stated as such and one must assume that they were from other sources, which raises further questions; who are these generous guys and why did they do it? Reminds one of the saying “There is nothing called a free lunch!”

More importantly, one fervently hopes that the reverse does not happen; from going from ‘lists’ to ‘chits’ again, which would be a disaster. It was a disaster that cost thousands of lives and remembered with trepidation by those who were lucky enough to survive. A colleague of mine has forwarded a photograph of one of these notorious ‘chits’ sent during the second JVP uprising, which is in circulation in social media now, and called me later to have a chat. I was taken aback when he told me that he had them pasted daily on his door, as he worked part-time for the army. He had torn them away but on learning this, his superior medical officer had advised him to leave the country, for the sake of his young family, which he did. He worked in New Zealand a year before coming to the UK. Do hope this does not happen again but the video circulating showing a party-man advising a villager not to post adverse comments on the government, raises the possibility that ‘chits’ may raise its ugly head again!

I am not sure whether it was the president who stated that fuel prices could be brought down immediately by cutting off commission charged by the previous minister but the widely anticipated fuel price reduction never materialised. Whoever that made the accusation owes an apology to the previous minister.

However, I am sure the president gave repeated assurances that Arjuna Mahendran would be brought back to stand trial for the Bond Scam. He told cheering audiences that he could do it with a stroke of his pen, in spite former president Sirisena claiming that he placed more than 2,500 signatures for this purpose. It did not succeed and, instead, Mahendran dared by publishing two letters in The Island, giving his full postal address in Singapore, the moment Ranil became president. He would not have done so without knowing that he would be protected. It is a pity AKD did not appraise himself of facts before giving categorical assurances. What is the government’s position now? “We have encountered some legal difficulties but don’t worry, we will try him in absentia” according to the cabinet spokesman, which is hilarious!

The Mahendran episode raises another interesting question. There are droves who sing hosannas for Singapore and Lee Kuan Yew. Whilst not trying to belittle what LKY achieved for Singapore, I have always questioned whether he is a true democrat. He was far from it and what he did to his opponents is conveniently forgotten because of the massive transformation he engineered. Coming to the present, much is made of Singapore’s anti-corruption measures. There are regular reports of politicians being jailed for corruption and many contend that Singapore thrives as it has eradicated corruption. This raises the question why it is refusing to extradite a Singapore citizen who is charged with corruption? Is it that Singapore’s anti-corruption drive operates only when it is an internal matter? Is it that Singapore does not care when one of its citizens takes on an extremely responsible job in a foreign country and indulges in corrupt activities? Is this not the height of hypocrisy?

Although Gotabaya is hauled over the coals for making the country bankrupt, the rot started with Yahapalanaya and the Bond Scam is one of the major factors. Mahendran, who lacked any suitable experience, was imported on false pretences by Ranil but, interestingly the Handunnetti COPE report did not apportion any blame to Ranil. As all investigations laid the blame on Mahendran, who left the country to attend a wedding according to Ranil, not being able to bring him back is a gross injustice. Of course, the government spokesman had a wonderful solution; “As it is his friend, Ranil should bring him back. Then we will prosecute him”! If Mahendran saga is not resolved, it would be a shame for our government and would tarnish the reputation of Singapore, as well.

It is high time the government stopped slinging mud at opponents and start taking actions to solve the problems affecting the masses, the most important being the cost of living.

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