Residents complain Illicit mining of limestone in Vadamarachchi South
By Dinasena Ratugamage
Residents of Vadamarachchi South in Jaffna have complained about unauthorised limestone quarrying in their region that has disrupted agricultural activities in several villages and caused water sources to dry up. Their complaints were formally lodged with the Jaffna District Development Committee on Wednesday (01 January.)
According to villagers from Mandu and Vamppaiy, large pits have been excavated to dig out limestone by illicit miners. They allege that the extracted limestone is being transported to Trincomalee and sold for cement production.
Local residentspointed out that the limestone in the Vadamarachchi South region plays a crucial role in water conservation due to the area’s unique geographical composition. They warned that continued quarrying has severely depleted water sources, further jeopardising the region’s agriculture and livelihoods.
The affected communities have appealed to the District Development Committee to immediately cease these quarrying activities. While a hunger strike was previously organised to protest the issue, residents lamented that authorities have yet to take meaningful action.