People’s Bank celebrates International Women’s Day

A special ceremony was organized by People’s Bank on International Women’s Day under the patronage of Sujeewa Rajapaksa – chairman, People’s Bank and Ranjith Kodituwakku – Chief Executive Officer /General Manager at People’s Bank Head Office in Colombo 02, in adherence with all government mandated safety guidelines.
The Chief Guest of the event, Major Chathurika Bombuwala – SLAWC Commanding Officer of the 1st Battalion of Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps shared her experience in an inspirational speech during the ceremony which was also graced by the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, P.M.J. Y.G Fernando, General Manager of Ceylon Electricity Board Kumuduni Herath, Deputy General Manger Inland Revenue Department, Champa Weerasinghe, veteran artist Renuka Balasooriya and a host of government lady officers and professionals.
Further, in lieu of International Women’s Day, People’s Bank introduced a branded debit card, Smart Ladies deposit certificates and Vanitha Vasana Money Planner investment plan for Vanitha Vasana accountholders.
In addition, those who open Vanitha Vasana Smart Ladies and Vanitha Vasana money planner invest plan accounts will be offered special discounts from a range of leading merchant outlets.
Attending this occasion were, Senior Deputy General Manager People’s Bank, (Payments and Digital), K.B Rajapakse, Senior Deputy General Manager (Legal) Rohan Pathirage, Deputy General Manager (Process Management Management, Quality Assurance and Retail Banking) Renuka Jayasinghe and members of People’s Bank Corporate and Executive Management. In addition, ceremonies were organized across branches island- wide to commemorate the International Women’s Day.