‘Path to a sound income’

With the introduction of the computer, the speed of communication also has increased drastically . It’s not necessary to possess expensive equipment such as printing machines / transformers or complex networks such as postal / courier networks, but a person with a computer or a smart phone has the opportunity to dessiminate information at a very high speed to anywhere in the world .
This was also changed in an unimaginable way when fb was introduced to the world in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his friends while he was an undergraduate at Harward University. The introduction of other social media networks such as you tube in 2005 , instargram and pinterest in 2010 also facilitated the people to have a more speedy & comfortable communication system all over the world .
It is a common factor that many spend a considerable time with social media networks and waste resources such as time , money and do not gain much when compared to the resources that they spent. It is very sad to note that the facilities available in our country do not support much to educate people on how they can earn through social networking systems .
As such Auxx Me Network Pvt Ltd and POLYMATH College Pvt Ltd joined hands recently to provide the required knowledge to those who are interested in this area . This project is carried out with the collaboration of Skills Development Fund Ltd , an organisation that comes under the purview of the Ministry of Finance ,
This joint venture will introduce a couple of courses and start with ” Social Media Monetizing” which will support the students to become successful entrepreneurs by empowering them with all the necessary knowledge to sell their creativity. Once they gain the necessary knowledge and the skill , they will not only earn a good income but will also support Sri Lanka by Bringing much needed foreign exchange .”
To earn money you need not to be a Hard Worker – but a Smart Worker . Many do not wish to be entrepreneurs as Return of Investment is too high . But anyone who follows one of these courses can earn an income more than what they could earn from a traditional job in the ICT industry in a very short time span if he / she uses ability and creativity in correct direction with commitment and dedication.