
Overflowing urinals at Wetland Park, Nugegoda



It is disheartening to observe that the two urinals of the male toilet at the entrance to the Weli Park, popularly known as Wetland Park, Nugegoda, have been overflowing over the last few months, emanating a nauseating and unbearable odour. When inquired from the gardeners as to why it was neglected, their stock answer was that urinal blockage has been reported to the Urban Development Authority, at Battaramulla, on a number of occasions, and their requests have fallen on deaf ears of the authorities. It was also reported that the conservancy labourer had kept away from work for over two months resulting in the non-cleaning of the two toilets meant for males and females.

Wetland Park is a brainchild of, the President and it was well maintained, keeping to high standards when he was the Secretary to the Ministry of Urban Development. However, its standards have deteriorated over the last few years. The overflowing urine, scattered all over the floor, creates a major health hazard, also preventing visiters to the park from using these facilities. Thousands of visitors make it a point to patronise this park from early morning to late evening for physical exercises and relaxation purposes with families and it is a moot point as to why this basic amenity is neglected.

The funniest situation is that one of the two toilets is permanently padlocked, presumably for the use of the Wetland Park staff and the Police Personnel and the other toilet is eternally used by the visitors, as one urinal is hardly sufficient. It is not rocket science to get it repaired and what is required is a steel-wire to be inserted to the urinals to clear the blockage, which can be attended to even by an unskilled labourer.

The writer made several attempts to bring this matter to the notice of the UDA and the telephone operator though connected my call to the PBM and Land Development Division, they denied any involvement with regard to the maintenance work of the Wetland Park. They were not even aware under whose authority its maintenance work is carried out and the writer was passed from pillar to post on numerous occasions when he attempted to highlight this health hazard. No wonder the supervisory arm of the UDA displays a callous disregard in maintaining this public park.

The UDA officials should bear in mind that the Wetland Park is adjacent to the residence of the President and his daily entourage to the Presidential Secretariat pass this location quite often. It is suggested to display a board giving the name of the officer who is in charge of the maintenance work and his telephone numbers so that the shortcomings of the park could be brought to his notice.

Over to you Mr. Chairman of the Urban Development Authority for quick action.

A. Ranasinghe,

(Frequent Visitor to the Wetland Park)

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