Open the Airport for Tourism
““It was rumored that the BIA will open for Tourists from the beginning of August. We are now in September, but everyone is in the dark as to when Tourism will resume. Not even a “target date” has been indicated!
The Tourist Industry provides thousands upon thousands of jobs to low-level employees such as security guards, waiters, housemaids, cooks, bakers, gardeners, room-boys, trishaw drivers and hiring cars, to name but a few. How are they expected to survive?
Last week the Seychelles opened up for Tourists. Many other countries will follow. If a tourist provides evidence of being “Covid Free”, and is re-tested upon arrival, and clearly states his itinerary and main residence, why should he/she be kept out?
For a start, visitors from the South Asian neighboring countries, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia, could be admitted, while those from “high risk countries “, such as the USA and India, can continue to be excluded for now.
We need tourist dollars, the Covid precautions should not be worse than the effect of the Virus itself. We need to open up, NOW!