
National Gem and Jewellery Authority disrecommends reliance on densitometers



By Hemantha Randunu

The National Gem and Jewellery Authority of Sri Lanka, on Thursday, announced that densitometers used in banks and pawn broking centres to measure the quality of gold are giving false readings.A density meter, also known as a densimeter, is a device which measures the density of an object or material.The Authority said that they no longer recommend using this machine to determine the quality of gold.

The Gem and Jewellery Authority will work with the Department of Measurement Units, Standards and Services to remove densimeters from various establishments in the country.The Gem and Jewellery Authority said that banks and pawn broking centres have been using the readings of these densimeters to give misleading information to the people.

“Especially the pawn broking centres swindle people using the readings of the densitometers. If anyone feels suspicious about the readings of the densitometers, they can come to the Department of Measurement Units, Standards and Services, at Park Road, Colombo 05,” a senior officer at the Gem and Jewellery Authority said.

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