WNPS Monthly Lecture
By Prof Wolfgang Dittus
October 21, 6 pm via Zoom and FB Live
Register online on https://forms.gle/f3zSiquj8JYGBZYA9
As a starting point to this inquiry, we assessed how Sri Lankans who already share space with monkeys perceive their relationship to monkeys and their suggested solutions to reducing conflict. Tolerance in sharing space with monkeys undoubtedly are critical for conservation; yet such human sentiments for coexistence might be most productively channeled to support the strengthening of exclusive protected nature reserves for all wildlife with habitat sharing as a secondary and supplemental option.
Professor Wolfgang Dittus has been studying the primates of Sri Lanka, in particular the toque macaques (Macaca sinica) in the Archaeological Reserve at Polonnaruwa for 50 years. His scientific discoveries have given us new insights on the evolution of social behavior and life histories of primates, their genetic structure, epidemiology and conservation. He has shown that many human social predispositions trace their roots to behaviors that are well developed in monkey societies, such as family life, child rearing practices, tribal conflicts, socio-economic hierarchies, choice of mates, even our gestures of communication.
He has contributed many scientific publications and more than 30 international documentary films; including “Temple Troop” and Disney Nature’s “Monkey Kingdom.” Dr. Dittus and his team of Sri Lankan naturalists also investigate gray and purple-faced langur species and the nocturnal slender loris.
Prof Wolfgang Dittus, PhD is a visiting Research Professor, National Institute of Fundamental Studies & Research Associate, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, USA. Chairman Association for the Conservation of Primate Diversity.
The NTB WNPS Public Lecture is presented in association with Nations Trust Bank and open to all. Please sign up here https://forms.gle/f3zSiquj8JYGBZYA9