Milinda Moragoda calls for a Reduction in Sri Lankan Overseas Missions
Founder of the Pathfinder Foundation, Milinda Moragoda, has called for a reduction in Sri Lanka’s overseas missions. He observed that technology has created a much more globally connected world and transformed the ways in which international diplomacy can be conducted.
In light of this, and as part of Sri Lanka’s urgent need to modernize its governance structure, create efficiencies, and optimize limited resources, he is urging the Government to seriously consider drastically reducing the number of its diplomatic missions abroad. At present, Sri Lanka has over 60, most of which are understaffed and under-resourced. In telling contrast, Singapore, with foreign exchange reserves of close to USD 325 billion, has around 50.
Moragoda observed that if a zero-based budgeting approach were taken, where the existence of every mission has to be justified, Sri Lanka could easily reduce at least 10 of its overseas missions, and that part of this savings could be used to bolster the activities of the remaining embassies and consulates. He said the need for each diplomatic representation and embassy should be assessed dispassionately, taking into consideration functionality, affordability, and national interest.
The Government should then focus on empowering selected missions that could overlook activities at a regional level and allocating extra resources to these, he added. He suggested that, as is the case with Singapore, some ambassadors could be based at the foreign ministry in Colombo with periodic visits to their countries of accreditation in keeping with a prearranged activity plan.
He further observed that the ongoing budgetary crisis has provided a good opportunity to think afresh and rationalize and reevaluate institutions and policies founded under different historical and societal circumstances and that any system has to evolve and adapt to changing times.