
‘Makara Thorana’ at Subodharamaya, Karagampitiya opened



Nimal Dias Jayasinha (extreme left) after unveiling the plaque to open the ‘Makara Thorana’ at Subhodaramaya. Others in the pic are Ven Kuttigala Chandasumana Thera, Chief Incumbent of the temple and Desamanya Sudharshana Welihinda, President of Dayaka Sabha.

By Harischandra Gunaratne

The newly constructed ‘Makara Thorana’of the historic Sri Subodharama Raja Maha Viharaya, Karagampitiya, Dehiwala was recently opened under the auspices of Ven Shashtrapathi Ven Dodanduwe Sirikara Anu Nayaka Thero and the patronage of the Chief Incumbent of the temple Ven Kuttigala Chandasumana Thero with the blessings of the Maha Sangha amidst a large number of devotees recently.

The temple had been built during the reign of King Parakaramabahu VI the King of Kotte and the newly built ‘Makara Thorana’had been built at a cost of Rs. 15 million with the generous financial contribution of one of the key benefactors and dayakas of the Raja Maha Viharaya, fulfilling a longfelt need.

One of the most senior Dayaka’s and a main benefactor of the temple Nimal Dias Jayasinha recounted the last Governor General of the then Ceylon Lord Soulbury (1949-54), an ardent follower of Buddhism, visiting the temple every Full Moon Poya Day (sans any security personnel) standing and contemplating upon the reclining Buddha statue in the shrine room with its mesmerizing eyes made of blue sapphires.He said,this ritual was witnessed by all the devotees present, including the members of the Governor’s family.

According to the key members of the Dayaka Sabha, Mr. Jayasinha belongs to a family who have been patronising the Raja Maha Viharaya for four generations during the last 75 years.

Ven Dodanduwe Sirikara Anu Nayaka Thero said that the British scholar and photographer Henry William Cave who had taken an abiding interest in the temple has given a vivid description of Subodharamaya in his book ‘The Book of Ceylon.’

President of the Dayaka Sabha Desamanya Sudharshana Welihinda counducted the proceedings.

Pics by : Kamal Wanniarachchi

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