‘Lamasuriya trees’
The recent correspondence on trees and the environment reminded my ageing memory of a fascinating bit of oral history I heard from a veteran Kachcheri officer when I was Government Agent of Matara. Driving along a country road he informed me that the old ‘maara’ trees that shaded the road, had been called ‘Lamasuriya Gus” long years ago. This name was to commemorate the British Assistant Government Agent LeMesurier, who ordered the planting of these trees to shade the bullock carts and peasants who wearily trailed these dusty roads.
This was obviously the same Civil Servant who established a settlement in Nuwara Eliya, and it is called ‘Lamasuriyagama’.
He has another claim to fame in the annals of the CCS – he contracted a ‘Muslim Marriage’ with an Englishwoman, without bothering to divorce his first wife! As a resut this interesting chap was booted from the CCS – its first black sheep!