Isolate venues disregarding Covid-19 guidelines
Masks at weddings, in our part of the world, is never seen
AbIt’s hard to imagine how irresponsible some of us can be.
When Covid-19 restrictions were relaxed, on Saturday, July 10th, a new set of health guidelines were also put in place, and the entertainment industry had something to look forward to.
However, this good scene was nullified by some of the venues, and hoteliers, as well.
It was strictly mentioned that weddings would be allowed, with 25% seating capacity of the venue, concerned, or 150 guests, being the maximum.
What’s more, they were also given the green light to entertain guests, at certain venues, but with strict adherence to the Covid-19 guidelines – face mask, sanitizer, and social distancing. And, these are essential requirements.
Now, were these guidelines adhered to, at some of these venues, when they opened up – for the public? No way.
I was told there were crowds, with hardly anyone wearing face masks, and there was dancing, too.
Dancing should be tabooed, until such time the present situation shows some kind of improvement, as social distancing is impossible on a crowded dance floor.
Managers, and the owners, of such venues, seem only concerned about raking in the money…at any cost – and not about the health guideline, laid down by the Health authorities.
Wedding ceremonies, in particular, turned out to be major issue, with all the health regulations being totally disregarded.
A highly respected musician, who played a vital role in obtaining the relaxation of certain rules, governing wedding ceremonies, was annoyed, and displeased, with the attitude of some of the hotels where wedding ceremonies were held – no sooner the restrictions were eased.
He was informed by the Army Commander, and the Director-General, Health Services, that they have photos to prove that Covid regulations were totally violated at wedding ceremonies.
Certain venues even accommodated more guests than the stipulated 150.
If this situation persists, weddings, and other forms of entertainment, could, once again, face restrictions.
I would suggest to the Army Commander, and the Director-General, Health Services, to isolate all venues that violate Covid health guidelines. Take the managers, and the owners, to task.
Have public health inspectors, and the police, checking out these venues, on a regular basis, and guests found without face masks should also be penalised.
This would be a good message to remind health guideline violators that they would have to face the music…if they keep on hitting the wrong note!
Yes, drastic measures are necessary, at this point in time, and I’ve been told that wedding functions are now being closely monitored and that legal action will be taken against those violating health guidelines.
Would it be sweet music to the showbiz industry if reference is made to the Fourth Wave, in Sri Lanka, as the showbiz/entertainment/wedding cluster!
According to Dr. B.J.C. Perera (The Island of July 22nd) a concerted attack by the Delta variant will finish us off. If such a catastrophe befalls our beloved Sri Lanka, it will simply be due to the very height of irresponsibility on the part of our very own people, says Dr. Perera.