Is cremation only fair?
Despite the WHO and developed countries allowing Covid-19 victims to be buried, our Health Minister, on the recommendation of an expert committee, is tending towards cremation only. I noticed in Bradford UK, there is a cemetery reserved for Muslims and burial is the norm.
Let us look at this from a risk tolerance standpoint. For the dead, it seems the Minister wants ZERO risk, which means cremate. We have no evidence so far whether anyone has been infected by a buried Covid-19 victim. An eminent Virologist, Prof Malik Peiris, says a virus cannot survive in dead cells,
Now what about the living? Living Covid-19 infected persons are infecting others galore.
It is now an island-wide problem. So, if we apply the same standard of risk tolerance, we should be in 100 % lockdown. We are nowhere here, and on the contrary we are allowing persons from highly infected countries such as Ukraine and the UK to come here. Double standards, indeed, and jeopardizing the health and lives of citizens.
This decision has been clearly politicised, and the victims are mostly our fellow Muslim citizens. Everyone wants to give a dearly departed person a proper closure and an opportunity to express their grief. There have been dead bodies in morgues for over three months.
Is this fair ?