Midweek Review

History Comes Full Circle



By Lynn Ockersz

Modern History’s come full circle,

And we seem to be back to Square One,

Though Fukuyama had us believe,

That ‘history’ had grandly ended,

And that democracy plus the market,

Had triumphed unrivalled in the end,

When the Soviet Empire fell asunder,

And the US was crowned clear winner,

Of the long super power contestation,

But years into the ‘Brave New World’,

Ploughshares are yet to replace Spears,

And minds are still to meet,

And clinch a durable peace on earth,

But big power land-grabbing is back,

Smacking so much of imperial times past,

While ethnic hatreds are igniting new wars,

Where Brother is turning on Brother,

Driven by obsessions of blood revenge,

Resulting in cataclysmic state implosions.

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