
Gota coming home



GR has every right to come home to the land of his birth. No right thinking person will object to that. It is his moral and legal entitlement. The pohottuwa followers or the Rajapksa family, if they have any political wisdom or have learnt any lessons from the past, should not make his homecoming a fanfare and trumpet event. That would affront the sense and sensibilities of the hundreds of thousands who poured into Galle Face to protest against his failed government and demanded that he goes home. Had he heeded that protest and resigned earlier, none of these unwarranted events would have taken place.

Flying from country to country seeking refuge, spending enormous amounts of money on charter flights and five star hotels could have been avoided if he resigned with dignity while in Sri Lanka and ensured a smooth transfer of power

If the pohottuwa forgets that its mandate of yesteryear has now evaporated and acts with the impunity demonstrated on May 9, even the PTA will not hold the people back. There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood leads to fame and fortune. That did happen, but it’s in the past. Today is another day.

Padmini Nanayakkara,Colombo-3.

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