Life style

French National Day



Chairman Kingsbury Mohan Pandithage with French envoy Jean Francois Pactet, and Dinusha

To celebrate French National Day, Ambassador Jean Francois Pactet hosted a well attended reception at the Galle Face Hotel. After the formalities of brief speeches and National Anthems of the two countries, Sri Lanka and France was cocktails followed

The French envoy spoke of the close ties between the two countries in elucidate confidence. There were many men in smart suits and dark lounge.

Women brought glitz and glamour to the venue, For many of them the sarees were thier choice

There were many others in a range of styles worn by guests from many countries including the Ambassador of America Julie Chung in an elegant dress with accessories to match while Women’s Affairs State Minister Geetha Kumarasinghe was in a traditional handloom saree.

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