CSE launches educational series on investing in IPOs

Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) launched an Educational Series on ‘How to Invest in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)’ on 18th May 2021. Anuradhapura Branch of CSE had organized the initiative fronted with the objective of establishing an educated and informed investor base. NDB Investment Bank has come forward as the resource partner for the program and the initial event attracted over 150 participants along with a remarkable feedback. The participants engaged in a broad discussion and a Question & Answer session on elements concerning an Investor when subscribing for an IPO.
Kassapa Weerasekara, Assistant Manager of the Listing Department at CSE, Sujani Perera, Vice President of Corporate Advisory at NDB Investment Bank and Charith Udugama, Manager of Corporate Advisory at NDB Investment Bank shared insight on the said topic.
The programme elaborated on aspects that investors should be focusing on when they invest in an IPO and how the investors can identify whether a specific IPO is ideal for them. The program covered the concept of IPOs, how companies and investors benefit from IPOs and how investors could maximize their returns by properly evaluating the IPO prospectus.