
Cruelty to police dogs



The recent auction of dogs from the police kennels in Kandy should put to shame the entire Police Service. The Island editorial of the 17th August 2020 along with a letter to the editor in the same edition, have in unmistakable terms denounced the heartless and shameless decision of the Police to auction their dogs who have contributed so much to the combat of crimes and drugs.

In addition to the matters raised in The Island I wish to raise the following.

First, dogs are extremely intelligent and sensitive, show their affection and loyalty towards a person and his family. There is a famous dictum ‘The more I see man the more I love dogs’. Their loyalty therefore is exceptional and unique. How then can the handler of a dog in the Kennels be so heartless as to contribute towards selling his partner for so long, the dog?

Second, having been trained to live with the handler and the assistant for so long will the auctioned dog be able to adjust to an entirely different environment?

Denied of emotional support, will not the dog end up as a mental and physical wreck?

Third, how callous to obtain services and sell for a pittance, when they are no more as effective as when they were young?

Further, should not SNR DIG and SP of Kennels who supervise Police kennels be called to account for a decision which is callous and heartless?

Did they not foresee a public outcry from the immature and cruel decision to sell their beloved dogs?

Fifth, are all the dog handlers starved of a modicum of love and affection for their auctioned pets that they agreed to be auctioned without a murmur?

Sixth, what about the approval given by the Police Headquarters? We must not forget the military adage ‘there are no bad men only bad leaders’.

Last of all had not the Police service created an unnecessary headache for the government.

I think the IGP should arrange to retrieve these dogs sold immediately. Why could they not discuss with the kennels association before embarking on such foolish steps as the auction of dogs. What can the public expect from the Police when they cannot even decide how to look after Police dogs after they have rendered a yeoman service?


An extremely concerned SNR retired Police Officer

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