
Congrats to our granny in Canada!



In this day and age when the student community is undergoing untold hardships, it was heartening to receive this news flash from a friend domiciled in Canada. In the same breadth,I hasten to add that those who impart knowledge, the Principals and Teachers too, have been devalued by Politicians; the majority of whom are semi-literate, since they did not evince interest to settle the matter claiming lack of funds. To those outside the theatre it was evident that the bigger issue was prestige.

The all-powerful President could have listened to the many members of the public how the 6.9 million needed could have been found.

I repeat what many have said. Scrap the pension scheme for members of Parliament after five years, and their spouses after death. They have volunteered to serve the people. In no part of the world with stable economies do they provide such pensions.

It’s common knowledge that those who were unsuitable as Parliamentarians have earned enough over and above their legitimate dues.

It is disappointing to note the educated types too, who forgot as to who assisted them to be where they are.

The cumulative effect of this tussle will affect young children, who will be mentally disturbed when they get to commence learning, while the teenagers will become law breakers.

An 87-year-old grandmother from Sri Lanka had become the oldest person to earn a Master’s degree. She is Varutha Shanmuganathan. Justifiably, she was so thrilled when she told the CNN that “On the first of November I was just an ordinary lady going about my ordinary lifestyle. On the 2nd November when I graduated everything changed”. Congratulations.

She worked hard and to obtain her degree from the University of Ontario, which will not confer passes or confer Doctorates where external influences prevail. It was evident that she was overseas post-pogrom of 1983, and that will certainly not make sensible country men, who are not racial or religious bigots, not to recognise her achievement.

If Sri Lanka were to progress towards prosperity the only way forward is for all races is to come together.


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