Chef Chaminda Ambagaspitiya on a ‘Culinary Safari’ in Sri Lanka
Renowned Sri Lankan Chef domiciled in Canada, Chaminda Ambagaspitiya is in Sri Lanka to launch his 12 day long ‘Embark on a novel Culinary Adventure with Chef Chaminda Ambagaspiitiya’ covering the hotels in the south, the hills and the cultural triangle. The event kicked off at the Ekho Surf , Bentota early this week.
Ambagaspitiya’s objective is to woo a larger number of North American holidaymakers to visit Sri Lanka through a journey of culinary excellence, focusing on authentic Sri Lankan cuisine, organising culinary fairs in different parts of Canada, as well as conductingtelevision programmes in that part of the world. The Chef was already featured on ‘Nuga Sevana’
programme on Rupavahini. Ambasgaspitiya said top travel journalists in that part of the world have shown a keen interest to visit .
The event is organised by Sagami Travels and Tours, an inbound and outbound tour operator in Colombo.