Colombo, prepares to be transported to a bygone era of culinary grandeur by The Courtyard by Marriott, said a press release . The hotel renowned for...
The “Vesak” Festival – a celebration of enlightenment and compassion, found a mesmerizing abode within the lavish confines of the “Devon Rest” – the newest property...
Experience a transcendent of sound and spirit as the Muslim Choral Ensemble of Sri Lanka presents “An’Nur” at the Lionel Wendt Theatre today (Sunday), at 7:00...
The Golden Heartians’ Club (past pupils of Sacred Heard Convent, Galle) hosted a grand reunion entitled ‘Melodiesand Memories’ at the Balmoral Ballroom of the Kingsbury hotel...
The Galadari Colombo recently held its annual Vesak Lantern Competition. This is the ideal opportunity for all departments of the hotel to showcase their creative and...
By Zanita careem Modelling is sometimes an undiscovered and unknown way, it might be something that you have dreamed about and to your surprise you are...
A grand adventure, a cultural odyssey, and an oasis of tranquillity in the scenic Eastern part of Sri Lanka awaiting to be explored, Sun Siyam Pasikudah,...
By Zanita careem As the world commemorates International Tea Day on May 21, Ceylon Tea and Chinese tea stood proudly at the forefront. It was called...
Jetwing Hotels announced that 17 of their hotels and villas have been recognized by TripAdvisor as 2024 Travellers’ Choice award winners, for a second consecutive year,...
The little black dress plays such a starring role in our wardrobes that it has its own special designation: the LBD. Vogue’s Hamish Bowles takes us...