Cabinet nod to revise sub – section 8:5 of Chapter XII of Segment I of the Establishments Code
Chapter XII of Segment I of the Establishments Code contains provisions on government officers’ leave.
A government officer applying for overseas leave without completing a continuous service period of 09 months, after being overseas can only be granted leave as per Sub – section 8:5 of Chapter XII of the Establishments Code only if the officer has not taken vacation leave applicable to that particular year.
As per those provisions a particular officer is eligible to travel overseas
on personal matters only twice per calendar year.
Since government officers are at present travelling overseas for official matters, as well as personal matters for short periods, it has been observed that various issues have arisen when adhering to Sub – section 8:5 of Chapter XII of Segment I of the Establishments Code.
Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution furnished by the Minister of Public Administration, Provincial Councils and Local Governments to revise Sub – section 8:5 of Chapter XII of the Establishments Code so that an officer reported for duties after a vacation overseas , intends to take overseas leave once again in the
same year can obtain the remaining vacation leave he or she is entitled for the particular year.