Cabinet approves payment of annual subscription to International Solar Alliance and to and sign Country Partnership Framework
The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the following proposals presented by the Minister of Power and Energy.
• To pay US$ 25,000 as an annual subscription continuously from 2024/25 financial year
• To establish Solar Technology Application Resource Center (STAR-C) in Sri Lanka.
• To sign the Country Partnership Framework between Sri Lanka and the International Solar Alliance
The International Solar Alliance has been established with the objective of supporting the measures taken by the member countries to promote the use of solar energy. So far, 75 countries, including Sri Lanka, have taken the membership of the Alliance, and 54 countries have ratified the Partnership Framework Agreement. According to the category that includes Sri Lanka, US$ 25,000 should be paid as an annual subscription. As a member country, Sri Lanka has the potential to acquire benefits from the International Solar Alliance relevant to the field of solar power, such as capacity building through the Solar Technology Application Resource Centers (STAR-C), policy development, access to funds, global networking, and sharing of knowledge.