
Both Shakespeare and Sajith stabbed by one (un)fair hand



Cassandra did not know whether to laugh or cry when she heard Diana Gamage, nominated MP of the Opposition, misquote the great Roman tragedy of mighty Julius Caesar and proclaim that Caesar had been stabbed by his friend Antonio. Cass was listening to MTV Channel I news, on Thursday 23 night, after the vote on 20A was over when she sat bolt upright hearing Gamage distinctly wax in Sinhala, detailing how Antonio (sic) had stabbed Caesar in the back. Here was a ludicrous transfer of The Merchant of Venice to the steps of the Capitol below the statue of Pompey with stabbing sword in hand. I looked up Brutus’ full name giving credence to the fact that Gamage may know much more than English Lit loving Cassandra. Google gives the honourable Brutus three names and in addition an aka: ‘Marcus Junius Brutus, also called Quintus Caepio Brutus.’ No Antonio!

The next sneer of Cass was caused by the mangling of the name of Caesar’s friend whom Diana Gamage changed from Antony to Antonio. She went further, retelling in Sinhala the mighty tragedy thus: “then Antonio carried the body of Caesar and showed his (Antonio’s) bloodied sword to the Roman people and said ‘I stabbed him because I love my country more than I loved my friend.’”

Gamage was audacious enough to declare herself in her mix of Brutus and Mark Antony as honourable as she had voted for absolute power for the president of Sri Lanka because she loved the country more than her Party. Rather would one say she loved her skin and benefits accrue-able by back-stabbing Sajith and the Party that nominated her to Parliament via the National List. That was the unkindest cut of all. She mis-spout Shakespeare; she may elevate herself to a patriot; but Cass makes bold to say she is scum to right thinking persons. Hence the tears in Cass’ eye. Cass usually champions her gender in any sphere. She looks down in utter scorn on this double stabber – The Queen’s literature and the local political party. Her principles? Left to you to degrade. Did she indicate to her party leader, Sajith, that she would vote different or did she agree with them to vote as one big Nay and then deceive that trust? You cannot reduce her guilt by saying it was a spur-of-the–moment decision to vote for 20A. No such sudden decisions can be taken in Parliament since the fate of the country and its people are decided within. Maybe, to further quote Shakespeare Diana realised the Prez of Sri Lanka “doth bestride the narrow world like a Colossus and we petty” woman must move to his side.

Much has been written about Diana G’s misquotation, though it went unremarked by MPs when it was pronounced. Probably those few in Parliament who know their Shakespeare were too downcast by the Nays. (Cannot think of one literati among the pohottuwas).

Methought, ponders Cass, if only Diana G had told her she was going to go literary and quote the greatest Brit playwright of all time, she, Cass, would have given her a passage in blank verse to make her betraying announcement. Here below is Cass’ misquoting of Shakespeare to suit Diana as part of her post voting speech of nine minutes allowed her:

“Elected, nominated MPs, lend me your ears!

I stand herein to defend my vote for 20A,

Not that I love Sajith less or Gota more

But that I love myself the most.”

“The good is oft interred – so let it be for democracy!

Sajith was my friend and I a vow did take,

But ever the Lean and Hungry stares.

Oh! Mighty Democracy, lie-eth thus so low;

Fare thee well for Junius’ power newly raised.

To ever greater heights; nay depths!

Methinks, comes a tide in the affairs of women

When grabbed at flood, leads on to fortune.

I rest my case. Who cares what plebs may think,

I am in favour and thus shall be for long!”

Diana has been lampooned; not enough as she has let down all women of this fair Isle with one fell Aye!

We need not talk of the others who betrayed their word given to the Party to vote Nay. They wear that thoppiya that sways this way and that.


GMOA only warns

The GMOA is so like Cass: warning away without presenting one single remedy. Tuesday 27 October The Island carries this outsize headline “SL will face grave health crisis unless urgent action is taken, warns GMOA”. Repeated on Wednesday 28. You do not need an MBBS or even a pass in the Grade Five scholarship exam to mouth that warning. Cass is really sick of hearing many GMOAs pontificate thus on TV Channels too. They wax eloquent on dangers of imminent social contagion et al but nary a solution emanates from their medical lips. Are they doing anything to help the overburdened health services is the question to be asked. The easiest thing in the world is to issue warnings and criticize.

Toy to wrestle over

Sri Lanka has been visited by many extremely VIP guests from East and West. Did Pompeo wear extra protective gear as he was entering countries his Master, The Trump, labelled “dirty, very dirty” repeatedly. Come 4th November and later: Trump and his Republicans may be dirty losers!

See you next week, hopefully with COVID-19 checked and stopped in its infecting spree. Wonder whether a dual citizen will be appointed to Parliament and bestowed a topmost post by the greatly empowered President before Cass speaks with you again.

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