
Ban reality shows for children under 13



Recently a person, who called himself an English Tuition Master, was arrested for abuse of little children, in their own homes. As the story unfolded on the internet, this man is working for a popular TV channel as a back-ground designer. During the filming of children’s reality shows, he got friendly with little kids, and their mothers, who were foolish enough to accept his offer to give English tuition to children, by visiting them at their own homes, where he conducted most of the dirty work. After his arrest, his home, at Pannipitiya, was raided by police who found incriminating evidence of child abuse and filming of such scenes by this sex-maniac. This brings to our mind the question whether children are safe in TV studios and production locations of the advertising industry.

Little kids mingle freely, alone with adults, during such shows, and mothers, who bring them, are not always with them on a continuous basis – they are left alone with TV crews. Some shows go on till late hours, in the night, making room for sex-maniacs to do their sordid activities, easily. Some teachers have been sent to jail for child abuse. Therefore, no child is safe alone, in a public place, for that matter even in their own home, as in the case of the Pannipitiya man.

Government should take a decisive step to ban children, Under-13, from taking part in these reality shows, even with their parents, just as it banned Under-13 competitive sports for children. The TV stations, and parents, flouting these regulations, should be taken to courts.

Children, under 13, should also not be allowed to take part in TV advertisements. President GR, who is a strict army disciplinarian, should take quick action to bring new laws regarding child abuse, to safeguard our little kids.


Grand Parent


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