
A request for UNHRC chief



I am writing to inform you that I had the opportunity to read your recent document in relation to human rights issues in Sri Lanka and your recommendations for improvements in the country. I am concerned about the contents of media campaigns, undertaken by various parties, regarding your report with or without your knowledge. Our opinion is that Sri Lanka should not have negative impact with your document or recommendations.

We understand that your whole process in human rights should be confined in the area of strengthening the rule of law, promoting freedom of expression, administration of justice and an effective participation of the people in the decision-making process.

As you are aware, the entire population in Sri Lanka is in high risk with the Covid-19 pandemic and Sri Lankan leaders are taking positives steps to protect people. At this stage, your report must highlight efforts taken by Sri Lankan leaders, with international support, to protect the people of Sri Lanka. These leaders must be commended for establishing a high-level of protection to the people in Sri Lanka with support of health workers, security forces and the communities. It is our understanding that, according to credible Australian report, Sri Lanka is in 10th position in managing the Covid-19 pandemic and this is an example to prove that Sri Lankans have the capability to manage their own affairs, with international collaboration.

Please note that Sri Lanka is an important partner for Australia. We have a long-standing bilateral relationship which includes a focus on trade and investment. Australia and Sri Lanka entered in to a Trade Investment Framework arrangement in 2017 to deepen our economic cooperation. There is no doubt that Sri Lanka’s administration systems must be improved and their per capita income should be increased from the current level $ 4500 to at least $10,000 per annum in the coming years.

I kindly ask you to grant the Government of Sri Lanka US $ one billion from the UN system for improving management systems of Sri Lanka over the next 10 years for achieving the above mentioned and your recommendations.


Sumane Liyanaarachchi JP BSc MSc CChem

CEO – Australian Capacity & Partnership

Building Company Pty Ltd

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